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  • Naresh Giangrande

    Naresh Giangrande bio

    Co-founder of Transition Town Totnes, the first Transition Town, and of Transition Training, Naresh has been involved in designing, running and evolving many of the events, groups, and trainings that have been at the heart of the enormously successful Transition project. He has delivered the hundreds of Transition Trainings to thousands of participants in twenty countries worldwide.

    Articles by

    Naresh Giangrande

    Naresh Giangrande, co-founder of Transition Network: the future for local economies, Part 2

    Naresh Giangrande 28-Jun-2020

    This is a continuation of an interview with Naresh Giangrande, co-founder of Transition Totnes and the Transition Network, on the future for local economies post-covid. Part 1 is here. Read more

    Naresh Giangrande, co-founder of Transition Network: the future for local economies, Part 1

    Naresh Giangrande 03-May-2020

    This is part 1 of an interview with Naresh Giangrande, co-founder of Transition Totnes and the Transition Network. Part 2 is here. Read more

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