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  • Michelle Laine

    Michelle Laine bio

    We run courses to get you started on your scything journey or help you as you progress. In our shop we sell the same high quality equipment that we use. Through this website we share information about many aspects of scything, hand hay making and hand farming.

    Articles by

    Michelle Laine

    Using a scythe to cut your lawn, not a lawn-mower: Part 3 – technique

    Michelle Laine 09-Nov-2021

    Part 1 was about your lawn; Part 2 about your scythe and blade. Part 3 is about scything techniques for short grass. With a bit of practice, you don’t really need the plastic, resource use, electricity and noise involved with lawn-mowers. Read more

    Using a scythe to cut your lawn, not a lawn-mower: Part 2 – the scythe

    Michelle Laine 02-Nov-2021

    Part 1 was about your lawn; Part 2 is about your scythe and blade; and Part 3 about scything techniques for short grass. With a bit of practice, you don’t really need the plastic, resource use, electricity and noise involved with lawn-mowers. Read more

    Using a scythe to cut your lawn, not a lawn-mower: Part 1 – the grass

    Michelle Laine 27-Oct-2021

    We’re often asked if it is possible to mow a lawn with a scythe. The answer is yes and there are many people in the UK doing just that! Lawn mowing can be a test of a scythers skill, it takes some thought and practice to do well. Here is a summary of the factors… Continue reading Using a scythe to cut your lawn, not a lawn-mower: Part 1 – the grass Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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