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  • Mel Bastier

    Mel Bastier bio

    Out to Learn Willow provides both living willow and dried willow courses and workshops for adults, children and young people within a variety of educational and community settings.

    Articles by

    Mel Bastier

    How about learning how to make a natural heirloom for a special occasion? Wicker baby cradle

    Mel Bastier 30-Nov-2015

    We have plenty of basketmaking courses where you can learn to make useful and beautiful things out of wicker. You’ll need a bit of practice before you can make something like this, but who knows, if you get to this level, you can maybe think about making a career out of it. Read more

    Here’s why it’s a good idea to plant more willow (just not close to drains)

    Mel Bastier 05-Nov-2015

    Willow is a native UK plant, which grows well in our temperate climate and is very easy to grow from cuttings. There are hundreds of different varieties of willow. Each variety differs in terms of growth rate, colour of stem and leaf shape. Read more

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