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  • Mark Simmonds

    Mark Simmonds bio

    Mark Simmonds works at Co-op Culture, offering advice and support for co-operatives and co-op start-ups. He’s a a founder member of the Fox and Goose Co-operative Pub, Pennine Community Power, Platform 6 Development Co-operative and currently occupies the co-operative development seat on the board of Co-operatives UK.

    Articles by

    Mark Simmonds

    The coming crash, and why co-ops are so important: Mark Simmonds of Co-op Culture

    Mark Simmonds 02-Dec-2018

    Mark Simmonds gave us some free advice that saved us hundreds of pounds when we were setting up as a workers’ co-op. We talk about his work, and get deeper into the philosophy of co-operation.  Read more

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