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  • Ludwig Appeltans

    Ludwig Appeltans bio

    Ludwig Appeltans is a forest garden/permaculture designer and teacher, and nature connection mentor. He founded Earth Ways in 2007 and is now developing a Permaculture community on the Isle of Skye. He provides solutions to the rapidly increasing demand for sustainable ways of living that work in collaboration with nature rather than continually fighting against it.

    Articles by

    Ludwig Appeltans

    Would you like to become a member of a nature-based permaculture community on the Isle of Skye?

    Ludwig Appeltans 01-Oct-2017

    Since December 2016, I, Ludwig Appeltans am the proud owner and custodian of the most beautiful peninsula in Scotland. Read more

    How to stop slugs in your allotment or garden, naturally

    Ludwig Appeltans 16-Apr-2017

    Ludwig Appeltans shares his top tips on how to stop slugs naturally and keep your garden or allotment thriving – no slug pellets needed! Read more

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