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  • Lin Scrannage

    Lin Scrannage bio

    Lin Scrannage is a member of the project with responsibility for marketing and publicity. She moved to Bridport five years ago from the Welsh borders after researching cohousing. She said: "This will be a shining beacon for a new way of living."

    Articles by

    Lin Scrannage

    Bridport Cohousing launches a range of natural build courses

    Lin Scrannage 24-Aug-2023

    Bridport Cohousing launches a range of natural build courses. Read more

    Help Bridport Cohousing group build a community hub building

    Lin Scrannage 01-Aug-2021

    We’ve been following the progress of the Bridport Cohousing project for a few years. They’re interesting because they’re a community land trust, partnering with a housing association to ensure that their 53 properties remain affordable. Bridport is a nice place to live, and house prices have risen by around 15% in the last couple of… Continue reading Help Bridport Cohousing group build a community hub building Read more

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