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  • Linda Kaucher

    Linda Kaucher bio

    Linda is a researcher on international trade issues particularly surrounding the EU.

    Articles by

    Linda Kaucher

    ‘Investor protection’ in trade deals: why can’t multinational corporations take out insurance rather than have taxpayers underwrite them?

    Linda Kaucher 10-Dec-2017

    First some background: the Investor-state Dispute Settlement, or ISDS (new name – Investment Court System, or ICS) is a mechanism whereby corporations can sue governments that introduce legislation that they claim reduces their potential to make profit Read more

    Can you offer your IT skills to help build a website to challenge the pro-corporate bias in UK trade deals?

    Linda Kaucher 24-Oct-2017

    Website help needed: with Brexit, the UK will be heading into international ‘trade’ deals, which are likely to be as much about establishing corporate rights and diminishing democracy as the EU/US TTIP – a deal that is now on the back-burner. Read more

    Post-Brexit trade deals explained: how they will hand more power to multinational corporations – at our expense

    Linda Kaucher 10-Oct-2017

    With Brexit the main aim seems to be to have trade agreements with as many countries as possible and as soon as possible. Little attention is paid (none?) to the content or purpose of those post-Brexit trade deals – and for whose benefit they would be. Read more

    The Trump administration is going to attack us if we try to restrict the imports of US genetically-modified food in any way

    Linda Kaucher 14-Sep-2017

    Linda Kaucher of Stop TTIP UK recently alerted us to the fact that the US government is determined to go into battle with any country that tries to restrict imports of its genetically-modified food. Read more

    Two things you can do to help stop the encroachment of GM crops into the UK

    Linda Kaucher 11-Apr-2017

    Glyphosate is the key ingredient in Monsanto’s ‘Roundup’, the product that farmers have to buy to apply to the genetically-modified crops that they’ve bought from Monsanto. Half of Monsanto’s profits come from Roundup sales. Read more

    Want to help stop CETA? Here’s something you can do (before Wednesday)

    Linda Kaucher 21-Nov-2016

    Remember the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) that’s a part of TTIP and that would have allowed corporations to sue governments that introduced legislation that threatened their profits? Well now it’s part of CETA, a deal between the EU and Canada Read more

    What’s the current situation as regards TTIP, TPP, CETA, TiSA, and what’s the future for trade deals?

    Linda Kaucher 20-Nov-2016

    It’s been a very confusing time for TTIP and other pro-corporate trade deals. There has been huge public opposition to them, often based around the fact that they would allow corporations to sue elected governments if they introduce policies that threaten their profits Read more

    What we’d like to see happen with UK trade deals after the Brexit vote

    Linda Kaucher 22-Aug-2016

    Here is a list, agreed by anti-TTIP activists, of what we want / don’t want in any UK trade deals, whether EU or new UK deals. Read more

    My meeting with EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom and corporate representatives, and the rules they want to impose on us

    Linda Kaucher 23-May-2016

    At the end of April, I went to a Trade Commission ‘civil society dialogue’ meeting Brussels in which Trade Commissioner Cecelia Malmstrom was seeking input on how to push forward the WTO globalisation agenda via the mechanism of the EU. Read more

    Re-thinking liberalisation – to counter corporate takeover

    Linda Kaucher 12-May-2016

    ‘Liberalisation’ – sounds like a good thing, right – like ‘freedom’? It’s rarely named or explained, but underpins the trade agenda and ‘globalisation’. It allows corporations to become mega-transnationals. Read more

    Can you think about sending this letter (or something similar) to your MP about TTIP?

    Linda Kaucher 27-Apr-2016

    Can you take 10 mins to send this letter, or something very similar, to your MP? People have been asking MPs some of these questions and getting silly answers, which suggests we are hitting a nerve – so we need to keep on hitting it. Read more

    Artists against TTIP, and how the new ICS differs from ISDS (spoiler – not much)

    Linda Kaucher 03-Mar-2016

    ‘Corporate interests have got to stop coming first’ – well said, Juliet Stevenson. A group of artists including actors Ruth Wilson, Andrew Scott and Juliet Stevenson and designer Vivienne Westwood are fronting a campaign (artistsagainstttip.org) to raise public awareness of the trade deal TTIP Read more

    How TTIP fits perfectly with the Deregulation Act, which can overrule all other laws if they affect growth or corporate interests

    Linda Kaucher 28-Nov-2015

    The Deregulation Bill, proposed by Tory privatiser Oliver Letwin, slipped into law at the end of the last Parliament. It can change all other law, according to criteria of ‘growth’ i.e. business interests. It fits perfectly with the EU’s deregulatory agenda, and that of TTIP and the other new ‘trade’ agreements, which have largely come… Continue reading How TTIP fits perfectly with the Deregulation Act, which can overrule all other laws if they affect growth or corporate interests Read more

    ‘Why?’ does consumer organisation ‘Which?’ support TTIP? (and what you can do about it)

    Linda Kaucher 07-Nov-2015

    Although the UK consumer organisation ‘Which?’ expresses some concerns about TTIP (the US/EU free trade agreement)  the organisation’s main message is that TTIP is likely to be good for consumers as it may possibly mean some lower prices. Read more

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