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  • Kevin White

    Kevin White bio

    MVC campaign for and promote veganism by raising awareness of the many benefits. We do this by staging a variety of events, everything from free food fairs to publicity stunts, each of which is described below. Volunteers are always required for such events, see our events page to find out what`s coming up soon.

    Articles by

    Kevin White

    Midlands eco festival set to be a sell-out as veganism explodes in the UK

    Kevin White 14-Aug-2016

    Veganism is taking off in the UK, with new stats showing that over half a million people now follow a vegan diet [1]. For many, vegan events are the best starting point if you’re vegan curious, an aspiring vegan or already enjoying the benefits of this lifestyle. Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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