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  • Katrina McKenzie

    Katrina McKenzie bio

    Katrina is the founder of Small World Soaps

    Articles by

    Katrina McKenzie

    Starting your own business: how to sell hand-made soaps

    Katrina McKenzie 28-Oct-2015

    Want to start selling your home-made soap? Katrina McKenzie of Small World Soaps explains how to sell hand-made soaps in the UK and turn your hobby into a business. Read more

    Why some soap-makers refuse to use palm oil and how you can help them

    Katrina McKenzie 22-Dec-2013

    Lowimpact.org: Hi Katrina – you make and sell soaps that don’t contain any palm oil. We wanted to talk to you about why you came to that decision, and what you use instead. To start, what is palm oil used for in soap making? Read more

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