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  • Jonathan Gordon-Farleigh

    Jonathan Gordon-Farleigh bio

    Jonathan is director at Stir to Action, a not-for-profit organisation that publishes STIR, a quarterly magazine of new economic ideas, runs national workshop programmes, technology accelerators, and supports Community Economic Development.

    Articles by

    Jonathan Gordon-Farleigh

    Campaign launched to build a ‘new economy’ through a practical programme of workshops, mentoring, and live crowdfunding

    We talk about making ‘communities stronger’ and creating a ‘fairer economy.’ But these approaches are still struggling to significantly impact our society and economy Read more

    How to leave the city and regain a connection with the land

    Many city people yearn to be involved with the land hands-on—and to do so on a long-term basis. But leaving the city for good is too big a step for most people; they need to keep a stake in the city for work or social reasons. Read more

    Great opportunity to work with the wonderful ‘Stir to Action’

    Stir to Action is a community organisation that publishes a quarterly magazine, runs workshop programmes and short courses, produces how-to resources for setting up co-operatives and community enterprises, commissions original artwork and facilitates social economy start-ups. Read more

    Thinking of starting a community enterprise? Win a free place on a three-day workshop

    Our friend Jonathan at Stir to Action (incorporating STIR Magazine) is hosting a three-day workshop for people who are interested in starting a community enterprise, rather than joining the corporate rat-race. He’s offering one place on this workshop for free Read more

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    The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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