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  • Joe Musialowski

    Joe Musialowski bio

    Wren Country Sticks was created in 2006 by myself Joe Musialowski after being made redundant. Probably one of the first websites to offer bespoke shepherds crooks and hand made walking sticks on the internet. I had already been stick making since 1993 as a member of The Midland Counties Stick Makers and later their editor and also a member of The British Stick Makers Guild, of which I am still a member to date.

    Articles by

    Joe Musialowski

    Step by step stickmaking: how to craft a ram’s horn crook

    Joe Musialowski 18-May-2017

    The modern ram’s horn shepherd’s crook has come a long way since it was first fashioned by shepherds in their crofts: from a purely practical tool with which to catch sheep with by neck or foot to a highly decorated piece of art work for stickmaking shows and competitions. Read more

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