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    Jessie Watson Brown

    Getting started with fishing for food: Part 3 – Lobster pots

    Jessie Watson Brown 03-Sep-2019

    Ever fancied fishing for your supper but don’t know where to begin? In Part 3 of her Fishing for Food series, Jessie Watson Brown explores fishing with lobster pots. Possibly a more efficient approach to fishing – once you have put the pot in, it does the fishing for you, leaving you free for a… Continue reading Getting started with fishing for food: Part 3 – Lobster pots Read more

    Getting started with fishing for food: Part 2 – When and where?

    Jessie Watson Brown 02-Jul-2019

    Ever fancied fishing for your supper but don’t know where to begin? In Part 2 of her Fishing for Food series, Jessie Watson Brown chats with Charlie Loram about the when and where of starting fishing. Read more

    Getting started with fishing for food: Part 1 – Gear

    Jessie Watson Brown 06-Jun-2019

    Ever fancied fishing for your supper but don’t know where to begin? In Part 1 of her new fishing for food series, Jessie Watson Brown tackles the gear you’ll need to get started, with the help of Charlie Loram. Read more

    Tales of a winter working in a traditional tannery in Norway

    Jessie Watson Brown 02-Apr-2019

    Jessie Watson Brown, a UK traditional tanner, shares some of her experiences and learnings from a winter at Jutulskinn, a traditional tannery in Norway. Read more

    How to gather, store and eat sweet chestnuts

    Jessie Watson Brown 06-Dec-2018

    It’s that time of year when the delicious smell of roasting chestnuts fills the air. Jessie Watson Brown shares her tips for foraging, cooking and storing sweet chestnuts for year-round use. Read more

    The crayfish food revolution: one man’s solution to an invasive species problem

    Jessie Watson Brown 26-Jun-2018

    Bob Ring, or ‘Crayfish Bob’ shares his passion – an effective, and tasty, response to the damage the invasive crayfish species are doing to UK waterways and their native inhabitants. Read more

    Diary of a tree planter

    Jessie Watson Brown 29-Mar-2018

    During winter, while the animals hibernate and the trees sleep, magic happens on hillsides across the land – forests are created! A brief account of the ups and downs of life for a tree planter this winter… creating a woodland on a farm in Devon. Read more

    How to identify trees in winter

    Jessie Watson Brown 11-Jan-2018

    It’s one thing to identify deciduous trees in summer, with their distinctive leaves on full show, but what about winter? Without leaves, we have to look at other telltale signs. After a bit of practice, it can be easier than you think. Have a go, using these helpful methods, which will make it easier to… Continue reading How to identify trees in winter Read more

    Why I walk: a conversation with a walking guide

    Jessie Watson Brown 09-Nov-2017

    Walking is as old as the hills, and yet so many aren’t getting out in their local areas. On a sunny October afternoon, with the backdrop of birdsong, I spoke to walking guide Emma Cunis about her story with walking and what she offers as Dartmoor’s Daughter; where she runs walks and nature connection events… Continue reading Why I walk: a conversation with a walking guide Read more

    Is leather tanning ethical?

    Jessie Watson Brown 17-Oct-2017

    Traditional hide tanner, Jessie Watson Brown, offers her thoughts on the ethics of leather tanning, from large-scale industrial tanning, to home-scale natural tanning. Read more

    It’s a mast year!

    Jessie Watson Brown 26-Sep-2017

    In case you hadn’t noticed… it’s a mast year! Read more

    Tips for safe wild mushroom foraging this autumn

    Jessie Watson Brown 25-Aug-2017

    In this post, I’m sharing some of my recent explorations into the subtle nuances and helpful tips for safe mushroom foraging this autumn. Now, I don’t want to scare you, but I do think it’s very important. Read more

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