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  • Jen Wilton

    Jen Wilton bio

    UK journalist and researcher, on the subject of degrowth. Jen’s work has been featured by publications including The Guardian, New Internationalist, Truth Out, Yes! Magazine, The Ecologist, Canadian Dimension, The Tyee, rabble.ca, Media Co-op Canada, Latino Rebels, ROAR magazine, Open Democracy, Contributoria and Upside Down World.

    Articles by

    Jen Wilton

    Can degrowth help stop the slide towards ecological collapse?

    Jen Wilton 19-Apr-2015

    Climate justice. A global basic income. Equitable distribution of wealth. Do these seem like wild utopian ideas? A growing body of research suggests that not only are such ideas possible, they may actually be necessary to prevent us falling off any environmental, social or economic cliffs. Read more

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