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  • Jemma Findley

    Jemma Findley bio

    Hi, I'm Jemma Findley, Education lead at the PAB. I have co-created the permaculture association's first online course - Design for Resilience. I also work on the reach of permaculture education including identifying and providing continous professional development for our awesome educators.

    Articles by

    Jemma Findley

    11 days left to support a collaborative new online ethical lifestyle toolkit

    Jemma Findley 15-Jan-2020

    We hear from our friends at the Permaculture Association about a new ethical lifestyle toolkit in the making alongside Ethical Consumer, and how you can help make it a reality by supporting their Crowdfunder campaign ahead of 26 January. We’re particularly excited about this one! It’s over to Jemma to tell us more… Read more

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