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  • Jadwiga & Julian

    Jadwiga & Julian bio

    Jadwiga Lopata is the founder and vice-president of the ICPPC. The International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside - is a leading voice in raising public awareness of the importance of the small family farm in creating an ecologically sensitive, long-term solution to the countryside, which avoids the destructive consequences of CAP policies. ICPPC is non-governmental organization and co-operates with all who want to promote and protect the Polish countryside's natural and cultural biodiversity. ICPPC was initiated by 41 organisations from 18 countries in 2000.

    Articles by

    Jadwiga & Julian

    Polish family farms criminalised for local food sales

    Jadwiga & Julian 18-Feb-2014

    Dear Friends/Drodzy Przyjaciele, Polish Embassy protest at 2:30 on 20th February. Please circulate! Get your banners together! We hope to see as many of you Read more

    The battle to save Polish small farms from corporations

    Jadwiga & Julian 06-Feb-2014

    This is something we really want to support. Corporate land-grabs, supported by subservient governments, are happening the world over, and it’s a disaster for ecology and democracy. Read more

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