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  • Iain Findlay

    Iain Findlay bio

    After 15 years of growing experience within an urban environment, the “Whirligro” was invented by company founder, Iain Findlay. It is an innovative product aimed at satisfying demand within the burgeoning market for growing your own food. It is based on a double helix structure in which plants are grown in tubes that spiral toward the ground around a central post. The product enables people to grow food vertically instead of horizontally, which means it is possible to grow more plants in any given area.

    Articles by

    Iain Findlay

    Twirligro small-space vertical gardening

    Iain Findlay 04-Jan-2013

    The Twirligro crowd fund (http://www.bloomvc.com/project/The-Whirligro-vertical-food-planter) aims to raise £4000 by January 19th to help fund an initial run of a new product aimed at the burgeoning interest in vertical gardening. Read more

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