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  • Phil Christopher

    Phil Christopher bio

    Phil Christopher is an environmentalist, builder and trainer and he believes in making a low-impact lifestyle an attractive possibility for everyone. Phil runs Huff and Puff Construction, specialising in straw bale and sustainable building, training and design. He’s a passionate advocate of earthen and lime plasters, stating “It’s the part everyone loves doing, even if they didn’t think they would!”

    Articles by

    Phil Christopher

    Natural building and mutual credit: Phil Christopher of Huff & Puff Construction

    Phil Christopher 19-Jan-2020

    This is an informal chat with Phil Christopher of Huff & Puff Construction. He’s a natural builder who has registered his business with the Open Credit Network. He sees mutual credit as a way to build an alternative economy – sustainable, based on small- and medium-sized businesses, and embedded in communities. We talk about ways… Continue reading Natural building and mutual credit: Phil Christopher of Huff & Puff Construction Read more

    SBUK – A new voice for strawbale building in the UK

    Phil Christopher 08-Nov-2015

    Advocates of straw bale building in the UK met on Friday 23rd October 2015, at the SPAB offices in Spitalfields, London, to decide a way forward for the industry in the UK. Read more

    Career change: how I left software development to become a natural builder

    Phil Christopher 02-Oct-2015

    When I was young I wanted to do a lot of different things, but the core ambition was always to do something that would help our environment, not make it worse. Read more

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