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  • Helen Iles

    Helen Iles bio

    elen As well as being an independent filmmaker, I have more than twenty years of experience supporting people to make their own films. So I’m well-placed to help you create your own media. The participatory techniques I use give you control over the whole process, supporting you towards a final product that tells your story in your own way. What’s more, having lived and worked in a low impact environment for close to 20 years, I understand the kind of world you are working to manifest, and can help you get your message across. In accordance with the demands of a slower life on a finite planet, I’ve mostly stopped travelling, but modern technology still makes it possible for us to collaborate!

    Articles by

    Helen Iles

    Flow Hive honey tap set to revolutionise beekeeping worldwide…. what’s wrong with that?

    Helen Iles 24-Aug-2015

    Stu Anderson lives at the end of a steep and stony track not far from Byron Bay in Northern New South Wales. His beautiful, hand-made home stands amongst others, surrounded by lush rainforest. Stu is one half of the father son team behind the Flow™Hive. Read more

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