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  • Micky Metts

    Micky Metts bio

    Micky is a worker/owner of Agaric and a member of many “free software" networks and movements - using tools like VOIP, Drupal, and introducing people to GNU/GNU/GNU/Linux operating system. She is a liaison between the US Solidarity Economy Network (SEN) a group devoted to ongoing dialog on building the new economy network - and US Federation of Worker Cooperatives (USFWC), the national grassroots organization of 4,000 US worker-owners “building power with national and international partners to advance an agenda for economic justice rooted in community-based, shared ownership.”

    Articles by

    Micky Metts

    Networking small businesses and co-ops to replace corporations: Micky Metts on the new economy

    Micky Metts 11-Aug-2019

    This is part 2 of a conversation with Micky Metts of Agaric – a co-op in Boston, Massachusetts that provides online tools for other co-ops. Part 1 is here. I told Micky about some of the meetings and discussions we’ve been having in the UK with people working to build ‘new economy’ infrastructure, like community… Continue reading Networking small businesses and co-ops to replace corporations: Micky Metts on the new economy Read more

    Building the open web: an interview with Micky Metts of Agaric

    Micky Metts 07-Jul-2019

    Dave Darby interviews Micky Metts of Agaric, based in Boston, Massachusetts, who is active in both the co-operative and free/open source movements. Read more

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