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  • Frances Northrop

    Frances Northrop bio

    Frances is a freelance consultant, working with communities as an adviser for the the NEF/Co-ops UK Community Economic Development Programme. She is also a Director of Totnes Community Development Society (an IPS ben com) which exists to hold land and buildings in community ownership for activities which meet the needs of residents. One of these projects is Atmos Totnes, the regeneration of an 8 acre ex brownfield site in Totnes as a mixed use development with truly affordable housing, enterprise and community space.

    Articles by

    Frances Northrop

    Community Wealth Building: Frances Northrop of the New Economics Foundation

    Frances Northrop 26-May-2019

    Dave Darby explores the ‘Preston Model’ and Community Wealth Building in an interview with Frances Northrop of the New Economics Foundation. Read more

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