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  • Ele Waters

    Ele Waters bio

    Founded in 2002 by the Waters family, the project focuses on sustainable woodland practices and low impact living and has been designed on permaculture principles. It is off-grid and shows many examples of alternative technology.

    Articles by

    Ele Waters

    Fancy joining the Pentiddy Woods family on an immersive 9 month internship?

    Ele Waters 09-May-2019

    Here’s your chance! We hear from Ele and Anthony at Pentiddy Woods about a unique learning opportunity on offer from October 2019. Read more

    Internships on off-grid, established experimental woodland smallholding: learn how to set up your own project

    Ele Waters 18-Mar-2018

    Having been WWOOF hosts for over 10 years we have decided to expand what we offer to provide a more focused and valuable experience. The Pentiddy Woods Internship is an opportunity to join our family for 9 months living off-grid on an established experimental woodland smallholding. Read more

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    The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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