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  • Duncan McCann

    Duncan McCann bio

    Duncan McCann leads the Digital Economy Programme at the New Economics Foundation in London where his work focuses on analysing changes to the nature of power and accountability due to the digital revolution, and formulating policy proposals that centre people and the environment. In a personal capacity Duncan is also the representative claimant in a landmark legal case against YouTube for collecting children’s data without the necessary consent.

    Articles by

    Duncan McCann

    A strategy for challenging the giant corporate platforms: Duncan McCann of the New Economics Foundation

    Duncan McCann 14-Jul-2019

    We talk about a strategy for challenging the giant corporate platforms in Part 2 of an interview with Duncan McCann, who’s working on a platform co-op alternative to Über in Brighton. Read more

    Can we build a platform co-op to challenge Über? Interview with Duncan McCann of the New Economics Foundation

    Duncan McCann 09-Dec-2018

    Dave of Lowimpact.org / Noncorporate.org talks with Duncan McCann of the New Economics Foundation (see video below), about platform co-ops. Duncan is starting a taxi platform co-op called Faircab, to challenge Über. Read more

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