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  • Dave Darby

    Dave Darby bio

    Dave Darby founded Lowimpact.org in 2001, spent 3 years on the board of the Ecological Land Co-op and is a founder member of NonCorporate.org and the Open Credit Network.

    Articles by

    Dave Darby

    Is there such a thing as progress?

    Dave Darby 12-Aug-2013

    Here’s a blog I recently came across, by the ‘Archdruid’ – his argument is that the concept of ‘progress’ is now defunct and that science is just another story – a myth amongst many others that attempt to explain the universe. Read more

    Help stop giant supermarkets taking over community assets

    Dave Darby 24-Jul-2013

    The lease has come up for renewal for a very popular pub called the Wheatsheaf in Tooting, south London, in a prime location opposite Tooting Bec tube station. Read more

    Review of ‘Why Marx Was Right’ by Terry Eagleton

    Dave Darby 18-Jul-2013

    Review of Why Marx Was Right, by Terry Eagleton. Yes, we’re all looking for alternatives to capitalism – it destroys democracy, it eats nature and it’s vacuous – but you don’t have to have read any philosophy or economics Read more

    Low-impact living opportunities in Argyll & Bute

    Dave Darby 14-Jun-2013

    We’ve had a bit of a heads-up from a Lowimpact.org partner (who wants to remain anonymous) and family who have been looking for land to start a smallholding for years, and are finally buying a bit of Scotland on the Cowal peninsula in Argyllshire. Read more

    The story of money, and how it built an empire

    Dave Darby 18-May-2013

    Here’s a story. Some of you may know it, but I’m guessing that most people don’t, which is surprising because it has enormous importance for the way we live today, and how our children might live in the future. Read more

    Everything is one: a blackbird told me

    Dave Darby 07-May-2013

    I’m writing this listening to a blackbird singing. Short bursts of song, a different tune every time. The blackbird occasionally drops down to the lawn, pecks around, pulls out a worm and flies off to eat it. Read more

    The European Commission wants to stop us saving seeds

    Dave Darby 03-May-2013

    Dear friends, How many times have we asked you to write to your MP, European or otherwise? Never, that’s how many. So this is a first. It’s a plea to take 5 minutes out of your bank holiday weekend Read more

    Craft skills are too important to lose

    Dave Darby 26-Apr-2013

    How many people do you know these days whose work involves traditional craft skills? For every craftsperson in the UK, there must be a couple of thousand working in telesales. Read more

    Mrs Thatcher was not ‘evil’ – she did what was necessary for Britain to succeed in a game that is utterly wrong

    Dave Darby 17-Apr-2013

    On the day of Mrs Thatcher’s funeral she will receive many plaudits and much abuse. I don’t think that there is any merit in rejoicing in the death of a woman who believed that she was doing the right thing Read more

    What chemicals are used in fracking, and where do they go?

    Dave Darby 15-Mar-2013

    (Image: the wonderful Marty Two Bulls). Article in the Guardian today pleading the case for fracking by someone purporting to be ‘green’. He says that: ‘the toxic sludges brought back to the surface can cause pollution’ Read more

    Review of Roger Scruton’s Green Philosophy

    Dave Darby 12-Mar-2013

    Roger Scruton is probably the nation’s most famous right-wing philosopher. So you might find it surprising that as a director of an environmental organisation, I found a lot to agree with in this book. Read more

    Land & freedom? launch of a new land project

    Dave Darby 23-Feb-2013

    Are the US and the UK free countries? Can there be true freedom if too much wealth (including land) is allowed to accumulate in too few hands? Imagine 100 households living on 500 acres. Read more

    Who says green/spiritual/progressive ideas aren’t represented in the mainstream?

    Dave Darby 04-Feb-2013

    When we complain that green/spiritual/progressive ideas are not represented in the mainstream, let me tell you about the Jonathan Ross show on Saturday night (and you can’t get any more mainstream than that – it’s the epicentre of mainstream). Read more

    What’s the potential for the Permaculture, Co-operative and Transition Movements to bring about real change?

    Dave Darby 07-Jan-2013

    What I want to argue is that these are superb movements, promoting as they do, ways of living that are oriented towards nature, co-operation, and face-to-face contact in local communites. Read more

    Shale gas: it’s not about fracking earthquakes!

    Dave Darby 15-Dec-2012

    With thanks to Paul Mobbs. On Dec 13th, Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey gave the green light to fracking in the UK to extract shale gas. Read more

    Recent findings on glyphosate, and why we don’t need GM food

    Dave Darby 21-Nov-2012

    Do you know what glyphosate is? It’s a herbicide developed by Monsanto, sold under the trade name Roundup – the most widely-used pesticide in the world. Genetically-engineered (Roundup ready) soy has been developed to tolerate glyphosate. Read more

    Can multinational corporations ever be green?

    Dave Darby 28-Oct-2012

    This is my response to a marketing lady I met at the Royal Festival Hall last week, who will remain anonymous (unless you want to reveal yourself). You are very intelligent, and you care – our target audience, in other words. Read more

    So, is having a smallholding like being in prison?!

    Dave Darby 11-Sep-2012

    Here’s the story. The Ecological Land Co-op are trying to start a little cluster of smallholdings with eco-dwellings on the Devon/Somerset border. We support this venture wholeheartedly Read more

    Making bread, butter & cheese

    Dave Darby 02-Jul-2012

    We’ve just had a fantastic course here this weekend – how to make bread, butter and cheese. The breadmaking part of the course was provided by Katherine Hallewell (above). She and a friend have a small bakery in Stroud, and they make bread for local people. Read more

    Review of Grand Designs Live, London 2012

    Dave Darby 21-Jun-2012

    A very big welcome to Lowimpact.org to all our new subscribers who found us at Grand Designs Live, London 2012 – enjoy exploring, and we look forward to seeing you on a course or meeting you in the forums very soon. Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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