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  • Dave Darby

    Dave Darby bio

    Dave Darby founded Lowimpact.org in 2001, spent 3 years on the board of the Ecological Land Co-op and is a founder member of NonCorporate.org and the Open Credit Network.

    Articles by

    Dave Darby

    Tribute to my friend Martin, who died yesterday

    Dave Darby 10-Apr-2015

    My friend Martin died yesterday. I drink at his bar – the Little Bar – and dance. I danced with my partner there many times. He put music on, people danced – and sat and talked. Everyone talked to each other. He sold beer made in a brewery on an industrial estate up the road Read more

    The elephant in the room that will be present at all pre-election debates

    Dave Darby 19-Mar-2015

    Last night I attended an event organised by our local Transition group, Transition Town Tooting, where local people were able to meet and chat to parliamentary candidates for the upcoming general election. Read more

    One Planet Development opportunity next to Lammas eco-village in Wales

    Dave Darby 26-Feb-2015

    Here’s an opportunity to you potential smallholders / rat-race escapees: A thirty acre field next to the Lammas ecovillage has come up for sale.  Read more

    Here’s our new ‘manifesto’. We’d be interested in your feedback

    Dave Darby 23-Feb-2015

    Our manifesto We now know that the richest 1% of the world own the same amount of wealth as the other 99%. But it’s worse than that. Read more

    To all applicants for our publishing job (except one): sorry

    Dave Darby 16-Feb-2015

    We had 53 applicants for this job, and I have to say that (almost) all of them were absolutely bloody brilliant. The applications represented an embarrassment of riches for us, which means that I’m embarrassed (and sad) to say ‘no’ to all but one of them. Read more

    What to say to people who claim that economic growth can continue forever

    Dave Darby 11-Feb-2015

    Have you ever had an argument with someone who believes that the economy can grow forever? Difficult, isn’t it? What appears completely clear and logical to you seems to confuse them. Read more

    Part-time work available in the Lowimpact team

    Dave Darby 27-Jan-2015

    This is the second of a series of jobs that will hopefully become available this year. Read more

    New phone? Maybe it’s a Fairphone for you in 2015? Here’s why.

    Dave Darby 31-Dec-2014

    Dave of Lowimpact.org interviews Lucy Neal, Dave Mauger and Emily Oliver of Transition Town Tooting about Fairphone. Lowimpact.org is constantly looking for sustainable ways to provide the basic necessities of life Read more

    New website, new name & the power of networking

    Dave Darby 23-Dec-2014

    Goodbye old website (left), hello new website (right) – and with the new website comes a new name. Since we started in 2001, we’ve always had a bit of a problem with our name. Read more

    How to turn trees into houses, and why it’s a good idea

    Dave Darby 06-Dec-2014

    There’s a lot of talk these days about ‘carbon sequestration’ – how to lock up carbon from the atmosphere in various ways, including: Read more

    Why Brian Cox is wrong about nuclear fusion

    Dave Darby 11-Nov-2014

    Who’s been watching ‘Human Universe‘ with Brian Cox? I’m especially talking about the last episode – ‘What is our Future?‘ Brian Cox is doing a great job popularising science – and science, as he says, is a ‘wonderful tool for making the darkness visible’. Read more

    Why Adam Smith, father of capitalism, would have hated neoliberalism

    Dave Darby 30-Oct-2014

    1776 was a very good year. The US declared independence and Adam Smith wrote the Wealth of Nations. Both of these events helped mark the transition to a new world; both have contributed enormously to human freedom, and have therefore been claimed by neoliberals as their own. Read more

    Where do banks get the money for mortgages from?

    Dave Darby 08-Oct-2014

    The simple answer is that they don’t have it. They check your credit record, decide you’re OK, type some numbers into a computer and suddenly you owe them a significant portion of your income for 25 years, plus interest. Read more

    French farmhouse free to the right low-impacter (roofing skills would be a bonus)

    Dave Darby 06-Sep-2014

    We are in contact with an English man who has a French property but will no longer be able to live there. He’s happy to give it away to someone who will turn it into the kind of eco-home / low-impact smallholding that he intended. Read more

    What is human nature? Are we really a horrible species?

    Dave Darby 04-Sep-2014

    When discussing war, exploitation, wealth disparities, violence and the apparently uncaring nature of society, a common response is: ‘well, that’s human nature for you’. Is it? Really? Are we that bad? Are we inherently, intrinsically, irredeemably horrible? Read more

    What low-impacters are up to around the country: Meadow Forge

    Dave Darby 14-Aug-2014

    Nestled in, part way down the side of a beautiful valley in Devon, is probably the most interesting, bonkers, chaotic and inspiring workshop I’ve ever been in. Housed inside what was once an open cow shed, this is where long-standing network member, Dean Aggett, Read more

    Tim Harford – the ‘Undercover Economist’ – thinks that the economy can grow forever. Here’s why he’s wrong

    Dave Darby 08-Aug-2014

    Here’s an article that I came across recently. It was written by Tim Harford, the ‘Undercover Economist’, who points out that physicists are telling economists that economic growth can’t continue forever because of the exponential function Read more

    An example of Joe Jenkins’ ‘humanure’ composting toilet system, used successfully for 9 years

    Dave Darby 04-Aug-2014

    Our friend Lee has been using a ‘humanure’ compost toilet system, made famous by Joe Jenkins in his book the Humanure Handbook, for over 9 years. I interviewed him to find out how it’s going. Read more

    Are holiday/leisure cycle paths like the ‘Camel Trail’ good for the environment?

    Dave Darby 31-Jul-2014

    How do we develop cycling from a leisure activity to part of everyday life? I recently went for a bicycle ride with my partner along the Camel Trail in North Cornwall. Read more

    Three-bedroom, earth-sheltered house with a living roof, cob internal walls & sea view; cost: £18,000

    Dave Darby 26-Jul-2014

    Seven years ago, a handsome builder came on a Lowimpact.org ‘how to make biodiesel’ course at Redfield and stole one of our staff. They now live with three children in Cornwall, in an earth-sheltered house that he built himself on his own land. Read more

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    The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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