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  • Craig Bayne

    Craig Bayne bio

    OrganicLea is a community food project based in the Lea Valley in north-east London. We produce and distribute food and plants locally, and inspire and support others to do the same. With a workers’ cooperative at our core, we bring people together to take action towards a more just and sustainable society.

    Articles by

    Craig Bayne

    Turn your grapes into wine with help from OrganicLea

    Craig Bayne 06-Sep-2019

    It’s that time of year again when the fab folks at OrganicLea invite grape-growing Londoners to join their community wine-making scheme. It’s over to Craig to tell us more, with a useful guide to harvesting grapes to boot. Read more

    A woodland classroom for north London – help OrganicLea make it happen!

    Craig Bayne 13-Sep-2018

    OrganicLea are planning a woodland classroom but need your help to make it happen. Craig Bayne tells us more about how you can get involved with this fantastic opportunity to create more space for nature-based learning and food growing skills in north east London. Read more

    In London and grow grapes? Join a community wine-making scheme!

    Craig Bayne 28-Aug-2018

    Calling all London grape growers – you’re invited to join the Community Wine Making Scheme run by OrganicLea. Read more

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