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  • Clifford Davy

    Clifford Davy bio

    Clifford has 29 years experience as a mycologist and has led more than 170 public fungal forays and managed over 90 fungus identification courses. He has been mycological consultant to the Horniman Museum for 6 years and was made a fellow of the Linnean Society of London for his contribution in mycology.

    Articles by

    Clifford Davy

    Fancy growing shiitake mushrooms at home? Here’s how – in logs or sawdust

    Clifford Davy 13-Dec-2016

    Shiitake mushrooms require cellulose-rich material and will grow on a variety of woody substrates. My preference is for oak (or other hardwood) sawdust. In fact, Shiitake will grow on softwood sawdust Read more

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