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  • Clare Fischer

    Clare Fischer bio

    Editorial and media officer at Marine Conservation Society. Co-author of 'How to Live Plastic Free'. 20 years as BBC Broadcast Journalist and Presenter. Weight Watchers PR and Area Manager, 24Dash Housing, Hereford Times, Radio Wyvern.

    Articles by

    Clare Fischer

    Can you detox your plastic life and smash the MCS Plastic Challenge?

    Clare Fischer 21-Jun-2019

    The Marine Conservation Society is challenging people to get through July single-use plastic free. Could you rise to the challenge? Clare Fischer explains how to take part. Read more

    New report: number of plastic bags on UK beaches falls by almost half – so charging 5p for plastic bags works?

    Clare Fischer 22-Nov-2016

    The number of plastic carrier bags found on UK beaches in surveys carried out by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) has dropped by almost half between 2015 and 2016. This is the lowest number reported in over a decade, and fantastic news for marine wildlife. Read more

    Fancy kayaking around the Cornish coast to raise money for the Marine Conservation Society?

    Clare Fischer 13-Nov-2016

    That’s a basking shark’s fin, by the way – they grow up to 26ft long, but eat plankton rather than humans. The Marine Conservation Society (MCS), the UK’s leading marine charity, is behind a fantastic opportunity to see one of the most spectacular parts of the UK’s coastline from a kayak Read more

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