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  • Ed Hamer

    Ed Hamer bio

    I was born and brought-up in the small rural community of Chagford and have lived here my whole life. From my early teenage years I began working on local farms for pocket-money and developed a range of skills and experience specific to our local agri-culture; livestock management, sheep shearing, hedgelaying, stone-walling, tractor driving etc. This practical experience inspired me to study agroforestry at Bangor University following which I also trained in journalism while continuing to work part-time on local farms. For several years I worked part-time as agricultural editor for The Ecologist magazine, during which I wrote an article on the emergence of CSA in the UK. After visiting several CSA farms up and down the country, I decided to try and start a CSA in my own community.

    Articles by

    Ed Hamer

    Chagfood community market garden apprenticeships on offer in 2019

    Ed Hamer 03-Jan-2019

    Could 2019 be the year you learn how to set up and run a community market garden? Chagfood, a CSA scheme based in Chagford, Devon, is offering two apprenticeship opportunities from April to October. Read more

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