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  • Andy Goldring

    Andy Goldring bio

    Coordinator/CEO of the Permaculture Association, member of Leeds Permaculture network and active teacher and designer. Working to support the emergence of an international permaculture network and in particular an active international research network.

    Articles by

    Andy Goldring

    How can permaculture contribute to building a new economy? Conversation with Andy Goldring of the Permaculture Association

    Andy Goldring 25-Nov-2018

    We’re going to be publishing a range of videos of interviews with key people involved in building the new economy – an economy that is democratic, non-extractive and sustainable.  Read more

    Permaculture Conference & Convergence: 10% discount for Lowimpact visitors

    Andy Goldring 22-Jul-2015

    The International Permaculture Convergence, London 2015, will bring together leading experts and practitioners from around the world. We have everything we need to create a sustainable world and future. Read more

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