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  • Posted September 26th, 2012

    Woodheat community share offer: 10% left

    Woodheat community share offer: 10% left

    Woolhope Woodheat are now up to 90% of their share total with 2 days to go. Thats £27,000 more we need with a mighty £247,650 already subscribed for by 127 prospective members.

    We could get a loan but where’s the fun in that – we’d rather have living breathing members!

    Planning permission, legal agreements, boiler order are all ready to go imminently and we just need people to get us to the last 10%.

    If you support what we are doing then please consider becoming a member. In short: regenerating woodlands, UK’s first renewable heat supply co-op, 6% return to members, taxman gives you 30% of your investment back if you’re a taxpayer, minimum of £250 investment!

    Details here: http://woolhopewoodheat.org.uk/

    Direct link to share offer document: http://s.coop/vmvm [pdf] – you can send it or email to us.

    Or if you’d rather apply online with online payment you can do it here: http://www.microgenius.org.uk/project/woolhope-woodheat-5


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