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  • whats the difference in value of all the worlds bitcoins gold notes coins and derivatives go on have a guess
  • Posted February 15th, 2016

    What’s the relative value of the world’s gold, Bitcoins, banknotes, derivatives, stocks & shares, property etc. See this incredible visualisation

    What’s the relative value of the world’s gold, Bitcoins, banknotes, derivatives, stocks & shares, property etc. See this incredible visualisation

    Do you have any idea of the value of all the Bitcoins in the world, compared to, say, the value of all the silver in the world, or compared to the wealth of Warren Buffet, or compared to the amount of global debt etc.?

    Below is an incredible visual presentation that allows you to see immediately the relative sizes of wealth stored in various ways, from precious metals, property and individuals’ bank accounts to debt, gambling and the stock exchange.

    First, without peeking, try to guess the relative amounts of value in the following things:

    • Bitcoins
    • silver
    • Bill Gates
    • Google
    • coins and banknotes
    • all global property
    • gold
    • global stock markets
    • global debt
    • derivatives (futures contracts, options, credit default swaps etc. – the sort of gambling that was at the heart of the 2008 financial crash)

    Then have a look below to see how close you were. The amounts are in the column to the right of the visualisations.

    More articles soon about the implications of this, but for now just let those figures sink in.

    Courtesy of: The Money Project

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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