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  • webinar can we change the world without changing money
  • Posted December 17th, 2017

    Low-impact strategy webinar: Can we change the world without changing money?

    Low-impact strategy webinar: Can we change the world without changing money?

    Understanding the money system is key to understanding how the world works, where power really lies, what the implications of that are and what we can do about it.

    • Why does money need to change?
    • Why is money undemocratic?
    • What other kinds of money are there?
    • How is money driving climate change?
    • Who is trying to change money?
    • Will the money system implode and what will happen then?
    • Are cryptocurrencies the change we need?
    • Why is Trump’s cabinet full of bankers and not doctors, teachers, scientists or academics?

    Are you interested in these kinds of questions? If so, you’re not alone. Here’s a way to learn more about money, to find answers to specific questions and to meet like-minded people.

    On Saturday morning, Jan 6th, at 11am GMT, Lowimpact present a webinar in collaboration with Matthew Slater, a software developer for complementary currencies. He co-founded Community Forge, which free hosts software for collaborative credit schemes; he co-drafted the Credit Commons white paper, a proposal for a global solidarity economy money system, based on mutual credit principles.

    Here’s Matthew in action, talking about the differences between cryptocurrencies and community currencies / mutual credit:

    The webinar will be open to the first 15 people – first come, first served. It will last for one hour – a couple of minutes for people to introduce themselves, then Matthew will talk for 15 minutes, then the rest of the session will be questions & answers and discussion.

    To register

    • Donate here to secure your place. We’ll use all donations to reach more people / provide information / attempt to change the money system. We’ll leave the amount up to you (maybe an hour’s wages? But if you don’t have any money, then don’t worry – you can join for free).
    • Also, email me – dave at lowimpact dot org – to register. More details will be emailed after registration.
    • The webinar will take place in a Zoom room.

    Please share this amongst friends who you think might be interested.

    Also if you want to go deeper, watch out for the next run of the free “Money & Society” MOOC in February.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1Dani December 27th, 2017

      Hello. Do you know what time the webinar is in the UK? Just checking the time in Aus ?

    • 2Dave Darby December 27th, 2017

      11am UK time.

    • 3Tania Brookes January 8th, 2018

      Hi there

      Is there a link available for those who missed it?

    • 4Dave Darby January 9th, 2018

      Hi Tania

      I’ll post a link soon


    • 5ian L January 16th, 2018

      I’d love a link to the last webinar and I will attend the next one. Thanks

    • 6Eloise Sentito January 31st, 2018

      Love to hear the recording of this, where can I find it?

    • 7Dave Darby February 1st, 2018

      Some issues around publishing recordings of webinars – everyone has to be happy to publish, which isn’t always the case. But the webinars are really designed to allow people to try new things and wrestle with new ideas, and especially, to be able to get answers to specific, direct questions.

      We’re going to launch a series of webinars on specific topics, and we’ll add new topics if people demand them. See here – https://www.lowimpact.org/were-running-a-series-of-webinars-on-how-we-might-change-the-money-system-starting-with-cryptocurrencies/

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