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  • want part pioneering eco village project northern ireland
  • Posted June 4th, 2016

    Want to be part of a pioneering eco-village project in Northern Ireland?

    Want to be part of a pioneering eco-village project in Northern Ireland?

    The Cauldron Community Educational Eco Village project is working to set up the first Eco Village in Northern Ireland and is currently open for Aspiring Residents and Investors. We are registered and constituted as a not-for-profit ‘Community Interest Company.’We currently have 25 Aspiring Residents and private pledges of £200,000 and require at least another £50,000 of private investment to help secure a £250,000 social enterprise loan and £500,000 lotto grant towards buying site and setting up. We have a 130 acre target site in West Fermanagh but are keeping an open eye ref location.

    Click here for a larger version of the image above.

    To date we have met with the previous Minister of the Environment, Mark H Durkan at Stormont with Senior Planners, we have also meet with a number of Councils and local planners. All have been supportive of the project. We are also working closely with Eco-Schools NI and developing a formal affiliation with them. We have a wide range of professional consultants on our team e.g. Professor Tom Woolley (architect).

    The plan is to have a series of private small holdings, a public outdoor Eco Education Trail, a semi-public glamping and camping area and for these to all link into a central Community Hub area with function hall, café, shop and workshops. A core ethos of the project, aside from the obvious goal of sustainable living and education, is inclusivity. A place were all are welcome regardless of age, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or physical ability.

    As such we aspire to having a cross-border site ideally, or at least a site as close to the border as possible, to signify how the natural environment transcends national and other ‘borders’ or divisions in society. Taking care of what’s left of our natural world is something that everyone needs to cooperate in achieving. We also seek to work with all who have a genuine interest in environmental sustainability, eco education, ethical rural development and social integration.

    You are invited to share in this community Cauldron of Inspiration, from which each gives what he can and receives what he needs, according to honour. Together we can create a more enriched earth for all our benefit.

    You can read more via http://www.cauldroncommunity.com/

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


    • 1mr holley corbett December 19th, 2016

      hi my names holley my partner and our 5 children currently live in ballymoney county antrim we ar looking to move to an eco village to live a self sufficant life for us and our kids .can any one help point us in the right direction as we are keen to join a village asap many thanks .

    • 2E F Magee November 28th, 2023

      Have a large land plot - would like some details aboutthis type of village Tk’s

    • 3Rebecca Stacey November 29th, 2023

      Hi E F Magee - I would recommend you jump on Facebook as there are lots of groups on there discussing the process from various different starting points. We also have topic info here that may help: https://www.lowimpact.org/categories/intentional-communities

      Rebecca (lowimpact)

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