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  • want co community wind farm 50
  • Posted May 10th, 2016

    Do you want to co-own a community wind farm – from £50?

    Do you want to co-own a community wind farm – from £50?

    We are really excited to be re-opening the Share Offer for our community windfarm. We raised £734k from our first Share Offer before Christmas and now want to hit the £1,000,000 target.

    Are you wondering what you can do about climate change? Join 366 other members of Awel Co-op who are committed to developing wind energy. The two turbines will supply the equivalent of 2500 homes and feed all profits back into low carbon community projects.

    Do you want to be part of something new and dynamic? Community energy is pioneering a new way to deliver our energy needs. We will be keeping you updated on a regular basis during construction and will be arranging Open Days for members. Turbines will be delivered in October 2016. See progress since March here.

    Want to show support for renewables?  Help build a co-op wind farm. Invest from £50. This is your opportunity to own some Welsh wind power and get a 7% return.

    There is a five week window for this Offer until 15th June 2016.

    • Shares available from £50
    • Projected 7% Rate of Return

    Click here to download our Share Offer Document and Application Form.

    I hope you’ll consider joining us.

    Dan McCallum, Awel Co-op

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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