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  • thinking starting community enterprise win free place three day workshop
  • Posted March 15th, 2016

    Thinking of starting a community enterprise? Win a free place on a three-day workshop

    Thinking of starting a community enterprise? Win a free place on a three-day workshop

    Our friend Jonathan at Stir to Action (incorporating STIR Magazine) is hosting a three-day workshop for people who are interested in starting a community enterprise, rather than joining the corporate rat-race. He’s offering one place on this workshop for free – but you’ll have to be quick, as the deadline is tomorrow. Luckily, you only have to provide 50-100 words!

    If you’re unsuccessful in obtaining the free place, we still recommend this course – great value for money, lots of useful information, and you’ll be supporting some great organisations.

    Stir is a superb magazine by the way – highly recommended. It features interviews and ideas from people at the cutting edge of the emerging new economy – based on co-operatives, mutuals and other forms of social enterprise.

    Over to Jonathan:


    Dear All,

    In just under three weeks we’ve got the founders of Edventure Frome, coming to deliver a three day workshop on Community Enterprise: http://www.stirtoaction.com/workshops/community-enterprise

    Thanks to the wonderful co-operators at the Manchester’s Unicorn Grocery, we’ve got a sponsored place available (including breakfast, lunch and dinner).

    Just send 50-100 words about how the workshop might benefit your activities, and we’ll let you know if the place is yours by Wednesday (16th March).

    The only cost to you is two nights accommodation at Monkton Wyld Court, which is just £20-30 a night.

    Please share with friends and colleagues who might also be interested in attending!

    All the Best,



    STIR Magazine


    Buy our Winter Issue 2015

    m: 07967781905

    t: @stirtoaction

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