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    Maintenance of your system | Info Article

    Most systems are pressurised (the solar system is pressurised, not necessarily the cylinder), so it’s a good idea to check the pressure gauge reading every now and then – say, once a quarter. Read more

    The natural house | Info Article

    By natural house we mean one that uses natural materials that don’t damage the environment in their manufacture or use, and that is good for the health of its inhabitants. These qualities typified houses built before the introduction of cement and other impermeable / inflexible building materials. Typical differences between traditional / natural buildings and… Continue reading The natural house Read more

    Making a wooden or plastic box wormery | Info Article

    This web page gives detailed instructions for making a wormery using either wooden or plastic boxes.  There are many ways of making wormeries – this design uses gravel in the bottom layer to aid drainage – this will probably help to prevent the drain tap from blocking too. Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 15: what next? | Info Article

    This is the final article in this series. Over the past 15 weeks I’ve tried to highlight the times in history where philosophy has helped, along with technology and events, to change the direction in which we’re moving. Read more

    What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in April | Info Article

    April is one of the busiest months and one filled with immense responsibility. All your crops are now sown and you care for them as if they are your little babies. You certainly can’t book a holiday during April because your seedlings in trays need to be watered every day and possibly twice if it’s… Continue reading What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in April Read more

    Living with a compost loo: self-built toilets | Info Article

    We want to spread the word about compost toilets, and so they have to be pleasant to use. Read more

    Step-by-step guides to growing vegetables | Info Article

    Step-by-step guides to growing different vegetables. Thanks to John Harrison of Allotment & Gardens. Read more

    Burning lime | Info Article

    For interest – you’re probably not going to do this, but… Read more

    Making a DIY wormery out of scrap materials | Info Article

    This video shows a method of making a wormery using 3 old recycling boxes. Read more

    Fedwikis | Info Article

    First, this article is a really good introduction to Federated wiki, and why it could be huge. The article is from 2014. In case the article disappears, here are 3 videos from the article that explain what all the fuss is about (7 minutes in total – well worth it). 30 years on – Fedwiki… Continue reading Fedwikis Read more

    Things to think about when considering an air source heat pump | Info Article

    Heat pumps are very much in the news these days, as they’re set to replace gas boilers, helped by government incentives. There has been criticism of heat pump technology, but what it really boils down to is that they won’t work as well in badly-insulated homes. The priority for home owners should be to make… Continue reading Things to think about when considering an air source heat pump Read more

    How to grow shiitake mushrooms | Info Article

    Shiitake mushrooms require cellulose-rich material and will grow on a variety of woody substrates. Read more

    Month-by-month guides to growing fruit & veg | Info Article

    See veg growing further info for month-by-month guides to growing fruit & veg. Read more

    Lime mortar | Info Article

    Making & using lime mortar, and pozzolanic additives. Read more

    Grid tie inverter | Info Article

    Information provided by Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge Read more

    Enclosing digital commons | Info Article

    Microsoft enclosed an emergent software code commons: GitHub. Read more

    What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in June | Info Article

    June is one of my favourite months in the tunnel or greenhouse. The majority of crops are planted by now and the responsibility of watering your seedlings every day is nearly over. You can enjoy tending your crops and observe how they develop. There is also a relatively decent range of crops ready to harvest. Read more

    Step-by-step guides to growing different herbs | Info Article

    Here’s a guide to growing a range of different herbs. Thanks to John Harrison of Allotment & Gardens. Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 8: empiricism vs. rationalism | Info Article

    John Locke The 17th century saw the beginnings of one of the most important epistemological debates in the history of philosophy, that ran well into the 18th – between empiricists and rationalists. Read more

    The diesel engine | Info Article

    “The use of plant oil as fuel may seem insignificant today. But such products can in time become just as important as kerosene and these coal-tar-products of today.” Read more

    How to grow Matsutake mushrooms | Info Article

    A member recently asked for details on growing the famous (and VERY expensive) Matsutake, the source of some pretty vicious armed confrontations between foragers and landowners not too many years ago. Read more

    More detailed info on constructing and operating a masonry stove | Info Article

    Here’s a detailed guide to building and using a masonry stove, from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Read more

    What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in August | Info Article

    In August there is even more bounty than in July, whether you’re growing in a polytunnel or a greenhouse. You may have produced enough courgettes and cucumbers for the whole neighbourhood. The tomatoes are made into soups and frozen and you reap the rewards for all your efforts. Read more

    Beginners’ guide to wild swimming | Info Article

    Thinking about dipping your toes into the world of wild swimming but don’t know how to start?  We often get asked about how you can get into wild swimming if you are new to it.  So, we have put together this handy little guide with all the points you should consider when taking the plunge… Continue reading Beginners’ guide to wild swimming Read more

    Step-by-step guides to growing different varieties of nuts | Info Article

    Step-by-step guides to growing nut trees. Thanks to John Harrison of Allotment & Gardens. Read more

    Instructions for making a felt picture using wet felting techniques | Info Article

    Layout your netting on a towel (the towel will absorb  moisture later). Read more

    Fruit & veg growing guide for May | Info Article

    Generally one of the busiest months on the vegetable plot, here John Harrison shares his fruit and vegetable growing guide for May. The soil is warm and the plants growing well. But watch out for a sneaky late frost. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and be prepared for frantic last minute wrapping of… Continue reading Fruit & veg growing guide for May Read more

    Construction summary for a horizontal flow reed bed | Info Article

    The following list is a summary of the work needed to build a horizontal flow gravel reed bed system: Read more

    Economic commons | Info Article

    Conventional banks have been given a state monopoly on the creation of money-as-debt, with compound interest attached. You couldn’t invent a system that concentrates wealth and damages nature more, if you tried. Read more

    What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in October | Info Article

    October is the month for clearing and tidying. Your cucumbers and courgettes are likely to be finished and many other plants are getting exhausted and diseased, but hopefully you have a batch of new salad crops ready to plant out now. I always enjoy this time of year when the tunnel or greenhouse becomes completely… Continue reading What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in October Read more

    Lime slurry | Info Article

    Lime slurry can be applied to a wall to present a uniform surface to further coats of lime wash. Read more

    Using & looking after your chainsaw | Info Article

    This guide can’t (and shouldn’t) explain how to use a chainsaw. If you don’t know, then you have to get training of some sort. Read more

    Step-by-step guide to building and erecting a geodesic dome using coppiced poles with plastic end connectors | Info Article

    Materials list, including sourcing and cutting coppiced poles, fitting plastic end connectors, assembling, erecting and covering dome.  Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 10: Romanticism, utilitarianism and the dialectic | Info Article

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), sometimes called the father of Romanticism, is often attributed with the phrase ‘noble savage’, although he never actually said it. What it implies is some golden age when humans lived in a ‘state of nature’ – in harmony with ecology and with each other. Read more

    Mushrooms suitable for cultivation | Info Article

    Some mushrooms can be cultivated from commercially available spawn either as dowels, grain inoculated spawn or as truffle trees. Read more

    Make sure you’re safe | Info Article

    Make sure your stove or flue isn’t next to combustible materials. If the stove backs on to a wooden wall, fit a heat shield to protect it. Read more

    Nature in February – what to look out for | Info Article

    Already there are birds around the garden preparing for nesting. Blue Tits in particular have been checking out a couple of nest boxes that I can see from the house, one of which is right outside a bedroom window. Read more

    Fruit & veg growing guide for September | Info Article

    September is the end of summer although we’re often lucky to have an Indian summer with blue skies and sunshine, nothing is certain with the weather. The bulk of the harvest comes home now and as crops come out the plot begins to empty. Read more

    Limecrete | Info Article

    Lime concrete, or limecrete, has been used since Roman times for massive structures such as bridges, docks, and even the dome of the pantheon in Rome. Read more

    Fruit & veg growing guide for August | Info Article

    August with a little luck brings us the best of the summer weather but being the traditional holiday month it can be hard to keep on top of the vegetable plot growing with a fortnight away, even if a neighbour can be persuaded to water as required. Read more

    Installing Linux on your hard drive | Info Article

    So at the moment, your hard drive is all Windows, and you’ve practised running Linux from a datastick. But it runs slowly, because datasticks aren’t designed for swift data transfer – it’s like being on a little B-road compared to a motorway for data. Read more

    How to spend less | Info Article

    Ways to reduce outgoings (and be healthier and happier). Please send us more ideas. Read more

    Charcoal burning – the basics of a burn | Info Article

    Preparation of the kiln site The ideal site on which to put a charcoal kiln has free draining sandy loam. Because of the high risk of fire never burn on peat – never! Read more

    Commercially-available spawn | Info Article

    Commercially-available mushroom spawn: Read more

    Sigi Koko’s method of installing a leveling layer | Info Article

    Thanks to Sigi Koko of Build Naturally. There are a few approaches you can take for this layer.  What I do is float this layer smoooooth and then polish it as it hardens. Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 4: Aquinas reconciles Christianity with Aristotle | Info Article

    Thomas Aquinas Last week we saw how Augustine reconciled Plato with Christianity; but Aristotle, with his logic and his empiricism, was difficult to reconcile with a book that already claimed to have all the answers, and so that didn’t happen until 900 years later. Read more

    Building Regs & Environmental Health | Info Article

    This section covers the bodies you need to satisfy in the UK. Sorry, we have no information about circumstances in other countries, but probably the best place to start is your local authority. Read more

    Fruit & veg growing guide for July | Info Article

    July is usually one of the hottest and driest months so a lot of time may be spent watering. You can reduce water loss and so save yourself some time. Mulching with a layer of organic matter will help preserve moisture but may encourage slugs so you will need to take action against them. Read more

    Build your own compost toilet | Info Article

    The main benefit of building your own is that you can do it cheaply, especially if you have the materials lying around already. Read more

    Choosing an installer | Info Article

    First, you want to find an actual installer, rather than a sales company. You need to find someone relatively local, who is knowledgeable and believes in what they do. You don’t want someone who’s doing it just for the money, although of course they need to make a living. Read more

    Nature in August – what to look out for | Info Article

    As someone who used to work in university research, it is deeply ingrained in my nature to observe and record what I see, and also, when necessary, to count things (I once spent six years counting weed seedlings). All for the greater good of course as this meticulous sort of research is the basis for… Continue reading Nature in August – what to look out for Read more

    Living with clay plasters | Info Article

    Including cleaning, protecting, painting and repairing. Read more

    Your installation | Info Article

    The size of your system will depend on how much roof space and how much money you have (or are able to borrow). A domestic system is unlikely to be larger than 4kW. Read more

    Nature in July – what to look out for | Info Article

    The ponds in the garden have been rather disappointing so far this year in terms of the numbers of dragonflies we have seen. There have been very few individuals of only a small handful of the larger species – nothing like the usual numbers that we see at this time of year. Read more

    Sigi Koko’s method of installing a base layer | Info Article

    Thanks to Sigi Koko of Build Naturally. I do a 2-layer adobe floor, mostly because this allows me to pour the thick base layer before the exterior walls are completely closed in.  That extra air-flow speeds up drying time (and eliminates a highly humid interior later in construction). Read more

    Sourcing your own wood for smoking | Info Article

    Sourcing your wood for smoking – Can be a very simple task, especially if you want to buy it online. If you’d rather enjoy a more DIY approach you can harvest wood after fresh autumn or spring winds. Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 1: Thales to Socrates | Info Article

    Thales of Miletus The way that we think nowadays didn’t just fall from the sky – it’s not ‘common sense’ and it hasn’t always been the same. We’re not born with a worldview – it’s something that we develop from what’s gone before. Read more

    Application | Info Article

    Including polishing and texturing. Read more

    Preparation | Info Article

    First, read our introduction to clay plasters. Now here are some common questions you might need answering before considering clay plasters. Read more

    Getting a laptop with Linux | Info Article

    You’ve now got Linux installed on your hard drive and hopefully, it’s working well. It shouldn’t take much getting used to – if you know how to navigate around Windows, then Linux Mint is a doddle. Read more

    Learning to use Linux | Info Article

    Now that you’ve switched to free / open source programmes and downloaded the Linux operating system onto a datastick, you can launch Linux from the datastick to familiarise yourself with it, but when you take the datastick out, it’s back to Windows. Read more

    How to get Linux operating system onto a datastick to try it out | Info Article

    Linux is different from the programmes that you use to produce documents, spreadsheets, presentations, manipulate images, watch videos etc. Linux is an operating system – equivalent to Windows, rather than the programmes you run on it. So when you switch on your computer, you get a Linux system rather than Windows. Read more

    Sort out your chimney | Info Article

    99% of problems with wood stoves are caused by the wood used, or by the chimney. Read more

    How to make your own natural paints with eggs | Info Article

    A great project to try with kids, natural builder Sigi Koko shares her best recipes for how to make two different natural paints with eggs. Read more

    Mushroom substrates | Info Article

    There are various types of substrates which are used in mushroom growing, including: Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 2: Socrates, Plato & Aristotle | Info Article

    Socrates After the natural philosophers, the main focus of philosophy was changed by Socrates – probably the most famous philosopher of them all. His position was that you begin to become a philosopher when you admit that you know nothing. Read more

    Off-the-shelf toilets: which model? | Info Article

    Some models, for example Envirolet, Sun-Mar and Biolet, collect all the solid matter and urine together, then attempt to evaporate the liquids, either with a fan or a heating element, and then excess urine is drained off later. Read more

    Variations on the basic method, plus storage | Info Article

    The ‘basic method’ is the single-stage base-catalysed transesterification method. There are a number of variations on this method which may yield better fuel quality with certain feedstocks. Read more

    Cultivation methods: humus-inhabiting mushrooms | Info Article

    The mushroom growing substrate referred to as ‘compost’ is quite different from garden compost or soil. Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 3: Augustine reconciles Christianity with Plato | Info Article

    St. Augustine Augustine (354-430) was a bridge between the classical world and the medieval, Christian world. He reconciled Christianity with Plato, and his immaterial world of forms – a much easier task than reconciling Aristotle, with his scientific outlook and emphasis on reason. Read more

    Introduction to mushroom growing | Info Article

    A mushroom develops in two stages: a vegetative phase when it grows and decomposes organic matter, and a fruiting phase, when mushrooms (fruiting bodies) are produced. Read more

    How to switch to open source / free software for everything you need to do | Info Article

    Thinking about changing to open source software can be scary for non-technical people (i.e. almost everybody). We’d like to persuade you that it’s really quite simple to start, and you’ll gain confidence as you use it more. If you can use the proprietary software, you’ll be able to use open source / free software too. Read more

    Nature in October – what to look out for | Info Article

    This time of year is usually holiday time for me, so, when it comes to nature in October, my trips away from Shropshire and my garden have to involve a large element of looking at wildlife and hopefully walking in beautiful countryside. Read more

    40 ways that corporate power trumps political power | Info Article

    Here are 40 ways that the corporate sector influences government and receives huge benefits in return, disadvantaging communities, individuals and small businesses. Giant corporations would not benefit from ‘economies of scale’ without government support. Read more

    Building the commons economy | Info Article

    Lowimpact.org are working closely with Mutual Credit Services, the Credit Commons Society, Island Power and Local Loop Lancaster & Morecambe to help build commons institutions / a new, commons economy. New ideas are emerging that are summarised here. These new ideas allow us to take infrastructure into common ownership without incurring debt – which I think is the main reason that (much as… Continue reading Building the commons economy Read more

    Indoors or outdoors? | Info Article

    Read our introduction to compost toilets, their benefits, and what you can do. Maybe talk to other compost loo owners, read our book or take our online course first to make sure a compost toilet is for you. Read more

    Make a hazel hurdle with hand tools | Info Article

    In this video Alan King demonstrates how to make a hazel hurdle, including how to split the hazel rods. Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 6: Reformation and Scientific Revolution | Info Article

    Nicolaus Copernicus What happened next was a revolution that rocked the Church and turned our view of the universe on its head – a scientific revolution that hinged on the work of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543). Read more

    Making a woven willow hurdle | Info Article

    This article, originally published by Musgrove Willows describes how to make a woven hurdle from willow. Read more

    Preserving mushrooms | Info Article

    Mushrooms can be preserved in several ways, but some species are better preserved in certain ways rather than others. What follows is a brief guide. Read more

    Nature in May – what to look out for | Info Article

    Living in a cool and slightly windswept location in the South Shropshire Hills means that the arrival of migrant birds or the appearance of the first spring butterflies occurs a little later here than it does in counties further south and east. These wildlife events are very weather dependent too, so we are now used… Continue reading Nature in May – what to look out for Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 7: the re-birth of philosophy | Info Article

    René Descartes Philosophy is for doing, not for studying – I know, sorry. But the way that we think nowadays didn’t just fall from the sky – it’s not ‘common sense’ and it hasn’t always been the same. We’re not born with a worldview – it’s something that we develop from what’s gone before. Read more

    Soil testing | Info Article

    Soil testing is a very useful way of seeing how your soil improvement techniques are working, what is working well and what isn’t. Read more

    Nature in June – what to look out for | Info Article

    Around now I begin to see Speckled Wood and Wall Brown butterflies feeding in the borders or on the buttercups in the cut grass, and by the third week of June, Meadow Browns in the wildflower meadow, with Ringlets joining them in early July. Read more

    Nature in April – what to look out for | Info Article

    As we move through April towards May, woodlands and waysides start to burst with late spring flowers. One of the most notable of these is the Bluebell which is opening its glorious blue nodding bells this month. We are famed the world over for our bluebell woods and a swathe of azure blue beneath hazel coppice or… Continue reading Nature in April – what to look out for Read more

    Cultivation methods: wood-inhabiting mushrooms | Info Article

    Woody materials and logs can be prepared much more quickly than compost. The logs should be cut from healthy trees (preferably due to storm damage or tree maintenance work) during the dormant season. Read more

    Is your house suitable for solar? (including flat roof) | Info Article

    Do you have some south-facing roof space? Most people have a pitched roof, so there’s a good chance that you do – but if you don’t, an east-west roof is fine. Read more

    Month-by-month guides to growing fruit & veg | Info Article

    See veg growing further info for month-by-month guides to growing fruit & veg. Read more

    Decide what you want to use the stove for | Info Article

    How will you use it – do you want it to heat just one room, will you try and move heat around the house from that one room, or do you want it to heat the whole house, provide hot water – everything? Read more

    Fruit & veg growing guide for June | Info Article

    Flaming June should bring us a hot sunshine-filled month with the risk of frost passed and those in more northerly parts should be able to catch up with those in the south. We’re also moving towards the longest day, June 21st being the summer solstice so there is plenty of daylight to let you get… Continue reading Fruit & veg growing guide for June Read more

    Mushrooms selected for cultivation | Info Article

    Recommended mushroom species for cultivation. Read more

    How much electricity will you generate? | Info Article

    There are various packages that you can use to estimate the amount of electricity that you will get out of your system, based on the area of panels you install, the orientation of your roof and the angle of inclination of your panels. Read more

    Nature in September – what to look out for | Info Article

    When it comes to nature in September, this month is a melancholy time of year for anyone who loves swallows. Through the summer I enjoy seeing them and the local house martins, swooping and diving around my house and garden, drinking from the pond or sitting on our electricity wires, twittering and preening. Read more

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