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    Commons housing: another brief explainer, this time by Dil Green

    Brief introduction to a new model of commons housing to replace the current, broken housing market. Read more

    Village halls – a sustainable success story  

    Our village halls can be a beacon for sustainable living, community activities and the sharing of ideas! Read more

    How credit clearing can help system change: Michael Hallam of Local Loop Lancaster & Morecambe

    In this interview I’m talking with Michael Hallam, who is involved with the Ethical Small Traders Association (ESTA) in Lancaster, and has recently been working with Mutual Credit Services on a credit clearing project called Local Loop Lancaster & Morecambe. Credit clearing is an important part of what needs to happen to build a new, ‘commons’ economy. Read more

    Beginner’s Guide to Wild Swimming

    Thinking of taking the plunge with wild swimming? This guide can give you some hints and tips! Read more

    Credit clearing: reducing the need for money and banks

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 15-Jan-2023 | 2

    There’s a new topic on Lowimpact.org – credit clearing. It’s an important part of the move towards a new, post-capitalist, commons economy, because it reduces the need for bank-issued money. Read more

    Getting around the egg shortage – The Vegan Society’s top alternatives

    With the UK’s egg shortage continuing, The Vegan Society shares top egg alternatives for everything from cakes to scrambled eggs. As the cost of living and the avian flu outbreak continue to impact the farming industry, egg producers are having problems meeting the demand for eggs, resulting in a shortage here in the UK. The… Continue reading Getting around the egg shortage – The Vegan Society’s top alternatives Read more

    Stroud Commons part 1: We’re putting our house into the ‘commons’. Follow our progress and replicate it in your community

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Jan-2023 | 5

    In 2023 I’d like to see a move towards a new system, rather than futile attempts to ‘fix’ capitalism. I don’t think it’s necessary to to try to persuade the majority of people of this. There are enough of us already to kick-start the necessary change. I’d just like to bring to your attention the new ideas that are emerging for building this new system – the commons economy. Read more

    Why gardening is such a great hobby for children

    Why gardening can be a great hobby for children and how you can get started. Read more

    Our most popular posts in 2022

    Read through new posts this year and look back at the most popular posts on the site from 2022. Read more

    Cumbria coal mine – anger, disbelief and shock

    A new coal mine has been approved in Cumbria – but we can not allow it to go ahead. Read more

    Building the energy commons: Marcus Saul of Island Power

    Marcus Saul of Island Power | 18-Dec-2022 | 0

    Interview with Marcus Saul of Island Power, an energy company with incredible ideas that could be world-changing, in terms of building a new kind of (commons) economy. Read more

    Small is beautiful, but is it regenerative?

    Can small scale farms be sustainable and regenerative? Read more

    How to contribute to the Credit Commons Society

    Fancy doing something new, interesting, rewarding and potentially world-changing in the new year? Matthew Slater, co-author of the Credit Commons white paper explains how you can join an interesting group of people, and contribute to the development of the Credit Commons Society. Read more

    Surviving the Future 2023: deep dive for anyone concerned about what’s coming

    In these tumultuous times, it’s good to pull back and think together — to share conversation — curated by experts and in the company of some of the most compelling people who have been thinking about these issues for a long time. Read more

    11 Easy Actions For a Low Impact Christmas

    Worried about your footprint on the environment this christmas? Here are actions you can take for a low impact holiday. Read more

    Review of ‘Change: How to Make Big Things Happen’ by Damon Centola

    Although the ‘viral’ approach (large networks, weak ties between people) can work for small packets of information, when it comes to behaviour change, it doesn’t seem to work well, and can actually be counter-productive. Read more

    Why carbon offsetting through tree planting won’t help solve the climate crisis

    Ian Scoones of Steps Centre | 23-Nov-2022 | 1

    Plans to protect 30% of the planet by 2030 rely too heavily on carbon offsetting by tree planting. Read why this is not such a good idea. Read more

    George Monbiot and friends are wrong: techno-utopianism won’t save us

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Nov-2022 | 11

    George Monbiot has joined a campaign called ‘Reboot Food’, working with techno-utopians who would like to see governments remove support for organic food and deregulate the GM industry, as well as producing bacteria-based food in giant factories (‘precision-fermentation’), and getting rid of smallholdings. Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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