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    Why Panorama’s GM propaganda was false, there is no food shortage and we don’t need GM to feed the world

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 11-Jun-2015 | 0

    Did you see the BBC’s Panorama on monday, promoting the GM (genetic modification) industry? Here are four reasons their message is just pure propaganda on behalf of the corporate sector. Read more

    So do MPs deserve a 10% pay rise to £74,000 per annum?

    Peter Richardson of | 09-Jun-2015 | 1

    There is an argument [see the Guardian, for example] currently going on about whether Westminster MPs deserve the 10% pay rise that they’ve been awarded, bringing a back-bencher’s salary up to £74,000. Read more

    Will nature deal with our crop and garden pests if we don’t intervene or use poisons?

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 05-Jun-2015 | 2

    It’s been cold, really cold. For a while I thought it was just that my new garden is on a very exposed site, and until the windbreaks really get going I’m going to have to put up with a late start to the season. Read more

    City bans fracking; legislators overturn it and receive $25k each from oil and gas industry. Is this democracy?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 03-Jun-2015 | 0

    A city in Texas voted to ban fracking within its city limits. The ban in Denton passed with around 60% of the vote. Read more

    How would you rank these in order of importance: truth, happiness, justice, freedom?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 01-Jun-2015 | 1

    It’s the next readers’ question in Philosophy Now magazine (much recommended, by the way), and when I saw it yesterday, I had a very strong reaction to it that has big implications for Lowimpact’s position on sustainability and democracy Read more

    3 million front gardens have been completely paved since 2005. Let’s try to reverse this trend.

    The RHS 2015 Greening Grey Britain Report reveals that three times as many front gardens are paved over compared to ten years ago, a total increase of 15 square miles of ‘grey’, and that plant cover in front gardens has decreased by as much as 15%.   Read more

    Materialism: so you think you’re not hooked?

    ‘Understanding ourselves, we come to understand all things, but if we seek to understand all things without knowing the nature of our own awareness, great will be our calamity.’ David Frawley Read more

    Do you understand the term ‘exponential function’ and how dangerous it is? We think everyone should

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 26-May-2015 | 0

    The exponential function is a very surprising (and potentially dangerous) thing. An exponential growth curve looks like this: Read more

    Community vetoes for wind farms, but not for fracking? What’s that about?

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 24-May-2015 | 2

    On the one hand the new Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Amber Rudd, appears committed to stopping the spread of onshore wind farms; this despite the fact that they are already the most important and cost effective source of renewable energy in the UK, and enjoy the support of two thirds of the population; and… Continue reading Community vetoes for wind farms, but not for fracking? What’s that about? Read more

    Invitation to join us at Breaking the Frame gathering in Derbyshire in July

    David King of | 22-May-2015 | 0

    NB: Dave from Lowimpact.org will be giving a talk about the Ujamaa2 idea on the Saturday afternoon, and the whole event will bring together people from various parts of the ‘alternative technology’ field Read more

    Is there a correlation between opinions on ecology and opinions on ethnicity?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-May-2015 | 4

    The reason you’re on this website, I guess, is that you believe that there’s something wrong in terms of ecology, or nature. You may not know the details, but you have a strong feeling (or even quite a precise understanding) that we’re not living in harmony with nature, and that’s going to cause us more… Continue reading Is there a correlation between opinions on ecology and opinions on ethnicity? Read more

    Should we be planning to ‘drought-proof’ our food production for a warmer climate?

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 18-May-2015 | 1

    The weather is not the climate. Nonetheless, over the last few years I have noticed that I have developed a slightly panicky fear of the weather; I can’t notice the weather I suppose, without it triggering all sorts of associations in my mind to the myriad articles I’ve read, and conversations I’ve had, about Anthropogenic Climate… Continue reading Should we be planning to ‘drought-proof’ our food production for a warmer climate? Read more

    Help save Apple Island from development by becoming a part-owner and maybe even building yourself a sustainable home

    We are asking for your help to support a great example of a sustainable enterprise, not by merely donating to it, but by becoming an investor in a unique piece of nature. See here.  Read more

    The future will be handmade? The prospects for craft skills in ‘developing’ countries

    Siraj Izhar of Amplife | 15-May-2015 | 8

    The Future will be handmade? In the information age, the question has an absurd ring. But I ask after listening to Ashoke Chatterjee at the Artisans House in Mumbai. As a long time President of the Crafts Council of India, Chatterjee tells us that ‘The Future will be handmade’. The question mark is mine.  Read more

    How Julius Nyerere’s Ujamaa idea could form the basis of a new global political system

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 12-May-2015 | 26

    In 1991, I spent a couple of months in two Ujamaa villages in Tanzania. The Ujamaa system was introduced by Julius Nyerere in the early 1960s, and the World Bank effectively killed it as a system in the late 80s, although a few independent Ujamaa villages survived into the 90s. I’m going to briefly describe… Continue reading How Julius Nyerere’s Ujamaa idea could form the basis of a new global political system Read more

    Visit to the Gransfors Burks forge in Sweden – makers of the world’s best axes

    Standing outside Huddiksval train station, it’s pouring with rain and I am beginning to wonder what the hell I am doing here. Having been travelling for 12 hours I’m tired and hungry, there is no one here to collect me, a taxi is more expensive than my flight from the UK and not a bus… Continue reading Visit to the Gransfors Burks forge in Sweden – makers of the world’s best axes Read more

    Is hanging out in nature therapeutic?

    As the founder of Nature Therapy CIC I am often asked ‘exactly what is nature therapy?’ Having studied the subject for a Doctorate and travelled extensively across the UK, Europe and the USA to research how nature is used to improve human wellbeing, I am sometimes at a loss to give a short answer.  Read more

    Announcing Sharenergy’s largest ever community energy share offer

    Jon Halle of Sharenergy | 29-Apr-2015 | 0

    Sharenergy is happy to announce the launch of its largest ever share offer. We’ll be raising £1.35m to add to the £450,000 already subscribed for Heartland Community Wind in Scotland. Shares will attract EIS tax relief under the extension to EIS recently announced. Read more

    Ecological Land Co-op plan 20 (!) new settlements, and you can get involved – new community share offer launches today

    We’re excited to announce an opportunity to invest in the development of ecological smallholdings in England. Our key aim is to widen the access to land for sustainable use through the creation of affordable low-impact smallholdings. We’d love you to join us in making this possible. Read more

    What’s the ‘next system’ going to look like?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 24-Apr-2015 | 28

    I want to bring your attention to this group, if you don’t know them already. They’re called ‘The Next System Project‘ – very slick, very American and very new (founded in March this year), but what they’re saying is rare and, I believe, essential. Read more

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