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    This is how we should get our fish: interview with Guy Dorrell of ‘Faircatch’

    Guy Dorrell of Faircatch | 25-Jul-2016 | 1

    I went to visit Guy Dorrell from Faircatch the other day, and was truly blown away by what he’s up to. Now this is how we should get our fish. Here’s my interview with him. Read more

    Are you interested in becoming a smallholder and building your own home? Help the Ecological Land Co-op make it happen

    If you would like to build your own home on a smallholding, and produce food, fuel and other products for your family and your local community, but can’t see any way that it could happen, then the Ecological Land Co-op want to hear from you.  Read more

    In praise of the elder tree, and how to make delicious elderberry wine really easily

    Common Elder (Sambucus nigra) is a familiar sight on railway embankments, urban waste ground, and in hedgerows. This small tree thrives in particular in the north and midlands of England, growing rapidly when cut back and giving off a discomforting dusty smell in the process, along with also being very difficult to dig up. Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 10: Romanticism, utilitarianism and the dialectic

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 19-Jul-2016 | 0

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), sometimes called the father of Romanticism, is often attributed with the phrase ‘noble savage’, although he never actually said it. What it implies is some golden age when humans lived in a ‘state of nature’ – in harmony with ecology and with each other. Read more

    New Lowimpact.org publication: a knitting and textiles tour of Scotland by folding bicycle

    Lowimpact.org has a new publication, about a 57-year-old (sorry Janet) woman’s decision to leave her home in Ayrshire and take a grand tour of Scotland on a Brompton folding bicycle, visiting and giving workshops for textile groups along the way. Read more

    Beautiful, meditative video on the art of oak swill basket weaving

    Owen Jones of OakSwills.co.uk | 14-Jul-2016 | 0

    We were approached by a young film maker who has produced a video of Owen Jones at work – no interview, no music, just an almost hypnotic and definitely meditative study of Owen using traditional tools and natural materials to make beautiful things. Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 9: Enlightenment

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 12-Jul-2016 | 0

    The Enlightenment was a time of great political as well as philosophical change. Much was written about how society should be organised. Locke’s vision of a society that protects and promotes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was cemented in the US Declaration of Independence, and the culmination of the Enlightenment – the French… Continue reading A brief history of philosophy, part 9: Enlightenment Read more

    Why do organic farmers have to pay for certification rather than farmers who use toxic chemicals?

    It’s always more expensive to do the right thing isn’t it? Like taking the train instead of driving or flying, or buying recycled products, organic food or natural building materials. If you want to do the environmentally-friendly or socially-just thing, it’s going to cost you more money. That can’t be right, can it? Read more

    Here’s how to get your electricity from a new co-operative with medium-sized wind turbines on farms

    Jon Halle of Sharenergy | 08-Jul-2016 | 13

    The Small Wind Co-op is a new co-operative, putting up three wind turbines on farms in Scotland and Wales. Anyone from anywhere in the UK can join – we’re offering good returns of 4.5% to 6.5% and even the opportunity to use the electricity generated in your own home. Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 8: empiricism vs. rationalism

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 06-Jul-2016 | 0

    The 17th century saw the beginnings of one of the most important epistemological debates in the history of philosophy, that ran well into the 18th – between empiricists and rationalists. Read more

    Moving forward without the EU: clouds & silver linings

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 04-Jul-2016 | 2

    I think we all have stories about mad conversations we’ve had about Brexit since the referendum (or is it just me?). I was called a racist, for example, for suggesting that the UK is nowhere near the top of the league of ‘most xenophobic countries’, and I’ve been amazed by the vitriol this has stirred… Continue reading Moving forward without the EU: clouds & silver linings Read more

    How can we get our clothes from sustainable and non-corporate sources?

    This is an interview with Jessica Smulders-Cohen of Greater London Fibreshed, who are trying to build a network of small-scale clothes manufacturers using natural materials produced in the UK. Read more

    Nature in July – what to look out for

    The ponds in the garden have been rather disappointing so far this year in terms of the numbers of dragonflies we have seen. There have been very few individuals of only a small handful of the larger species – nothing like the usual numbers that we see at this time of year. Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 7: the re-birth of philosophy

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 29-Jun-2016 | 2

    Philosophy is for doing, not for studying – I know, sorry. But the way that we think nowadays didn’t just fall from the sky – it’s not ‘common sense’ and it hasn’t always been the same. We’re not born with a worldview – it’s something that we develop from what’s gone before. Read more

    New Lowimpact.org publication: how to use gasification technology on a small-scale

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 27-Jun-2016 | 0

    Lowimpact.org has a new publication, and as far as we know, it’s a first – a book about using gasification technology on a small-scale. If you have access to woody biomass waste, this technology could be for you. It’s full-colour, 170 pages, and it’s available here. Read more

    A brief history of philosophy, part 6: Reformation and Scientific Revolution

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 24-Jun-2016 | 0

    What happened next was a revolution that rocked the Church and turned our view of the universe on its head – a scientific revolution that hinged on the work of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543). Read more

    Why global capital fears Brexit

    Despite its admirable qualities, the authors urge people not to lose sight of the fact that the “the main impetus behind the European Economic Union was the desire of big business to compete with the US” in economic terms. Read more

    The EU referendum from an environmental perspective: are you willing to be challenged?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Jun-2016 | 5

    Almost all of my friends, and people whose opinions I respect, are intending to vote ‘Remain’ on Thursday. Here are the four main reasons I hear: Read more

    The Ecological Land Co-op has purchased more land to create ecological smallholdings

    Here’s a quick overview of what the Ecological Land Co-op does, before going on to their latest news. The problem that they were formed to solve is that many people who would like to build a home made from local, sustainable materials, Read more

    Why self-reliance means being able to fix bits of old kit – like this circular saw

    Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 16-Jun-2016 | 0

    Working outside and sometimes in remote situations requires a certain mindset to not only enjoy the experience, but also have an overall philosophy of self-reliance. Read more

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