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    New report: number of plastic bags on UK beaches falls by almost half – so charging 5p for plastic bags works?

    The number of plastic carrier bags found on UK beaches in surveys carried out by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) has dropped by almost half between 2015 and 2016. This is the lowest number reported in over a decade, and fantastic news for marine wildlife. Read more

    Want to help stop CETA? Here’s something you can do (before Wednesday)

    Linda Kaucher of Stop TTIP | 21-Nov-2016 | 0

    Remember the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) that’s a part of TTIP and that would have allowed corporations to sue governments that introduced legislation that threatened their profits? Well now it’s part of CETA, a deal between the EU and Canada Read more

    What’s the current situation as regards TTIP, TPP, CETA, TiSA, and what’s the future for trade deals?

    Linda Kaucher of Stop TTIP | 20-Nov-2016 | 0

    It’s been a very confusing time for TTIP and other pro-corporate trade deals. There has been huge public opposition to them, often based around the fact that they would allow corporations to sue elected governments if they introduce policies that threaten their profits Read more

    Stunning film of blades lifted onto a giant wind turbine that you can become a co-owner of

    Dan McCallum of Awel Co-op | 18-Nov-2016 | 0

    Double BAFTA-Cymru winner, Mike Harrison, has made a stunning short film, capturing the moments that the blades are lifted onto one of our turbines at dawn. Read more

    If society collapses, which skills will you wish you’d learnt?

    Here’s a conversation between Dave of Lowimpact.org and Nigel Berman of ‘School of the Wild’. Nigel teaches appreciation of nature and wilderness, and he’s provided us with information for our topic introduction on ‘firecraft’. Read more

    Fancy kayaking around the Cornish coast to raise money for the Marine Conservation Society?

    That’s a basking shark’s fin, by the way – they grow up to 26ft long, but eat plankton rather than humans. The Marine Conservation Society (MCS), the UK’s leading marine charity, is behind a fantastic opportunity to see one of the most spectacular parts of the UK’s coastline from a kayak Read more

    Rent first to see if a self-build home in a cohousing project at an eco-chateau in France is for you

    Ruth Phillips of Eco Chateau | 11-Nov-2016 | 0

    An cohousing eco-hamlet around a chateau in the Dordogne region of France is being formed. You can rent a plot to see if the project is for you, before deciding whether to become a co-owner. Read more

    The US presidential election is a circus, and the sooner we realise that power lies elsewhere the better

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Nov-2016 | 2

    As Adam Curtis recently explained, governments are no longer for deciding how we live, or for building a better society – they have slowly morphed into institutions for managing the affairs of the finance sector. Read more

    Sigi Koko on the basics of passive solar design

    Passive solar design takes advantage of solar orientation and other climate conditions to minimize (and in some conditions, eliminate) heating and cooling requirements for a building. Read more

    How to buy flowers for someone you love without being part of an environmental nightmare: interview with Rachel Petheram of Catkin Flowers

    You don’t want to show someone you love them by damaging the environment, do you? It sounds unromantic, but it’s really difficult to buy flowers in the UK that aren’t sprayed with huge amounts of pesticides, doused with chemical preservatives and flown half way across the world. Read more

    Wales’ unique ‘one-planet’ planning policy and the Lammas Ecovillage

    Here at the Lammas Ecovillage we have recently celebrated our 7th birthday. The 9 households have collectively built around 15 different buildings, planted many thousands of trees, created hundreds of new habitats, and hosted thousands of volunteers and visitors. Read more

    Nature in November – what to look out for

    I’m beginning to realise just how much the garden birds occupy my thoughts when it comes to nature in November, as there is little else around in my wildlife garden just now. Apart for a single Bank Vole, a few Grey Squirrels and the occasional Brown Rat from the farm next door, Read more

    What to sow, plant and harvest in your polytunnel or greenhouse in November

    We usually don’t think about our tunnel or greenhouse in November. There is very little need for it especially if you have planted the winter salads and overwintering garlic cloves and onion sets in October. There is much less need for watering and also the weeds have slowed down. Read more

    Fruit & vegetable growing guide for November

    November is the month when the hard frosts and heavy rain usually arrive so it’s important to grab whatever time you can on the plot in case you don’t get another chance. Read more

    Review of Adam Curtis’s new movie ‘Hypernormalisation’

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 26-Oct-2016 | 0

    Adam Curtis has a new movie out – Hypernormalisation, about how, due to ‘perception management’, what we see as ‘normal’ is anything but – and you can see it for free on BBC iPlayer. Read more

    Ditch the bleach: switch to natural cleaning to avoid toxins and carcinogens

    Every year there is a better understanding of the risks of toxic chemicals and more and more people are benefitting from a switch to natural cleaning.  Read more

    The absurd nature of land ownership in the UK, and the ‘Land for What?’ conference, Nov 12-13

    Tom Kenny of Shared Assets | 22-Oct-2016 | 0

    There’s a weekend conference coming up that you might be interested in. It’s called ‘Land for What?’ and it’s taking place over the weekend of November 12 and 13. Read more

    Promoting public transport – how to travel by train more cheaply (without breaking the law)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Oct-2016 | 2

    A way to reduce our impact on the environment is to increase the number of journeys made on public transport relative to the number made by car. So we’re doing this to encourage you to take the train rather than drive. Read more

    What tree species to choose for woodlands in the 21st century

    Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 16-Oct-2016 | 0

    The various pressures and threats to UK woodland are ever-increasing. These can include development, climate change or globalisation contributing to the spread of disease, insect and mammalian pests. Read more

    The pros and cons of fracking in the UK and why you need to know about them

    Steve Last of IPPTS Associates | 14-Oct-2016 | 9

    It’s time for all those interested in how society will achieve a sustainable level of impact on the environment to brush up their own thoughts and opinions on the pros and cons of fracking in the UK. Read more

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