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    How to build your own aquaponics greenhouse (Part 2)

    Pete Blunsdon of Root Cause Organics continues his series of guest posts about how to build your own aquaponics greenhouse. In Part 2, he gets to grips with the all important plumbing. Read more

    Announcing the launch of NonCorporate.org – how to move away from multinational corporations

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 07-Jun-2018 | 7

    We’re pleased to announce the launch of NonCorporate.org – our sister site, dedicated to helping people move away from multinational corporations (MNCs) for everything they need. Read more

    A south-facing, rammed earth, straw-bale-insulated house doesn’t need heating; why aren’t all new houses built this way?

    Rowland ran rammed earth building courses with us for years. He said then that a C-shaped, rammed earth house with straw-bales for external insulation, and as much glass on the south side and as little glass on the north side as possible, wouldn’t need any heating. We wanted to catch up with him to learn… Continue reading A south-facing, rammed earth, straw-bale-insulated house doesn’t need heating; why aren’t all new houses built this way? Read more

    You’re invited to the Ecological Land Cooperative Summer Gathering

    We hear from Lauren Simpson about plans for the Ecological Land Cooperative Summer Gathering & AGM taking place on 14th July on the beautiful Gower Peninsula. Read more

    Jo’s Mini Meadow Part 4: wildflower meadows leave nature in charge

    Jo Cartmell of Nearby Wild | 31-May-2018 | 0

    As we move into June and summer beckons, Jo Cartmell of NearbyWild shares Part 4 of her Mini Meadow journey, with Nature very much in charge. Read more

    Jordan Peterson talks some sense, but he’s wrong about two very important things

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 29-May-2018 | 8

    Jordan Peterson is provocative, interesting and a formidable opponent in debates and interviews. He doesn’t interrupt, he thinks carefully about people’s points, he doesn’t run away from difficult arguments (or difficult people) and he’s helped a lot of people to rescue their damaged lives. Read more

    The simplest DIY compost toilet

    Lesley Anderson of | 27-May-2018 | 31

    For several years I lived in a tent in woodland and I never really readjusted to this business of flushing poo away with clean drinking water. Besides, I have always liked to feel I am dealing with my own… stuff, both figuratively and literally. So when we moved into our current house a DIY compost… Continue reading The simplest DIY compost toilet Read more

    Heartwood Community are seeking new members – could it be you?

    Staci Sylvan of Heartwood | 24-May-2018 | 6

    Heartwood Community is seeking energetic, reliable and committed people to join their intentional community in South West Wales. It’s over to Staci from here to tell us more. Read more

    Public debate on capitalism: what happened and what I learnt

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 22-May-2018 | 9

    You may remember that I was invited to take part in a public debate in London recently (see here) about whether capitalism is ‘the best system for a sustainable future’. I was asked to deliver the ‘no’ position. Read more

    Jo’s Mini Meadow Part 3: how does nature come to be regarded as kith and kin?

    Jo Cartmell of Nearby Wild | 20-May-2018 | 0

    In the third part of Jo Cartmell’s mini meadow series, she asks just how it is that Nature comes to be regarded as kith and kin and explores the importance of establishing a true connection with Nature from a young age. Read more

    The two roads to serfdom: how neoliberals misrepresent Hayek

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 17-May-2018 | 1

    I recently went to visit a friend in Germany by train, and as I packed my bag, I looked around for a book to throw in, to read on the way. The one I plumped for was the Road to Serfdom by Friedrich von Hayek, Mrs. Thatcher’s (and Ronald Reagan’s) guru. Read more

    How to build your own aquaponics greenhouse (Part 1)

    Pete Blunsdon of Root Cause Organics, an experimental microholding in Buckinghamshire, shares the first in a series of guest posts about how he built his very own aquaponics greenhouse and how you can do the same. It’s over to Pete from here… Read more

    Nettles glorious nettles… foraging tips and delicious recipes

    James Wood of Totally Wild UK | 13-May-2018 | 4

    Wild food author and foraging teacher James Wood explores one of the most common plants – nettles – and shares his wonderful recipes and tips for foraging. Read more

    Free natural building internship on offer from Hartwyn this summer

    Joe Duirwyn of Hartwyn | 06-May-2018 | 0

    Natural building company Hartwyn are pleased to announce their summer 2018 free natural building internship programme is now open to applications. It’s over to Joe Duirwyn from here to tell us more. Read more

    Making a netted bag using looped cordage with Ruby Taylor

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 03-May-2018 | 0

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands shares how to make a netted bag using looped cordage and explores the history of using natural fibres to produce wild cordage. Read more

    Campaign launched to build a ‘new economy’ through a practical programme of workshops, mentoring, and live crowdfunding

    We talk about making ‘communities stronger’ and creating a ‘fairer economy.’ But these approaches are still struggling to significantly impact our society and economy Read more

    Why flushing away ‘waste’ water is a bad idea, and what better options exist

    Like many things in modern life, the vast majority of our current water and wastewater infrastructure is completely dependent upon fossil energy to keep the toilets flushed and the taps running. Read more

    Edible seaweed season has started, but the British still don’t get them…

    Wild food author and expert Geoff Dann explores the overlooked edible seaweed as a delicious and nutritious addition to the wild food table and shares one of his seasonal recipes. Read more

    Jo’s Mini Meadow Part 2: our beautiful and vital insects

    Jo Cartmell of Nearby Wild | 24-Apr-2018 | 0

    In the second instalment of Jo Cartmell’s mini meadow series, she takes us on a magical journey to meet the insects who inhabit it, illustrated with her own beautiful photos along the way. Read more

    How to make a chicken coop from a repurposed plastic barrel

    Lesley Anderson of | 22-Apr-2018 | 13

    Wooden chicken houses can be a nightmare, especially when they are infested with red mite: hiding in every crack and crevice and tormenting your hens. Those recycled plastic chicken houses can be expensive though and even they have some design flaws! Read more

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