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    Pottery on the wild side: digging your own clay

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 20-Sep-2018 | 0

    Digging your own clay – too much hassle or a whole lot of fun? We hear from Ruby Taylor of Native Hands about how to source your own clay, as she does for her wild pottery courses in Sussex. Over to her from here…  Read more

    Want better food for all? The Good Food Good Farming march is for you.

    The Landworkers’ Alliance are joining with others to call for an Agriculture Bill that provides access to healthy sustainable food for all. Join them on Sunday 14 October as they head to Westminster for the Good Food Good Farming March. Read more

    Is eating meat ethical or sustainable? Interview with Simon Fairlie, author of ‘Meat: A Benign Extravagance’

    We are sometimes approached by people asking why we provide information on vegetarianism, veganism and keeping animals. Isn’t that a bit incongruous? We don’t think it is Read more

    A woodland classroom for north London – help OrganicLea make it happen!

    Craig Bayne of Organic Lea | 13-Sep-2018 | 0

    OrganicLea are planning a woodland classroom but need your help to make it happen. Craig Bayne tells us more about how you can get involved with this fantastic opportunity to create more space for nature-based learning and food growing skills in north east London. Read more

    Celebrate a bumper harvest at a CSA Open Day this autumn

    We hear from Maresa Bossano about the CSA Open Day events promising fun, friendship and the opportunity to learn about your local community farm this autumn. Read more

    Living together 5: commonhold for cohousing projects – interview with Peter Burke of A Fairer Society

    This week we’re talking with Peter Burke of A Fairer Society, a consultancy for people thinking about setting up some sort of cohousing project, from housing co-ops to community land trusts. Read more

    The National Permaculture Convergence is heading for Hulme

    We hear from Permaculture Association’s Dan Hurring about the 2018 National Permaculture Convergence, running 20-23 September in Hulme, Manchester. Will you be there? Read more

    Farm Hack is coming to Wales! Join in 6-7 October at the CSA Gathering

    You’re invited to participate in skill shares and farm hacks from 6-7 October 2018 at Tyddyn Teg Co-operative near Caernarfon. A joint event between Farm Hack and the Community Supported Agriculture network in Wales, Frank White tells us more. Read more

    12 reasons why people refuse to address the idea that we’re headed for near-term societal collapse

    Prof. Jem Bendell of IFLAS | 02-Sep-2018 | 31

    The starting point for a generative discussion of the deep adaptation agenda is a difficult one. Because to begin to rigorously and imaginatively discuss this topic first requires us to accept the likelihood of near term societal collapse. Read more

    Cooking with stored energy: how to build an off-grid solar slow cooker

    We learn from our resident retained heat cooking specialists Jane and Seggy Segaran about how to build an off-grid solar slow cooker. Read more

    In London and grow grapes? Join a community wine-making scheme!

    Craig Bayne of Organic Lea | 28-Aug-2018 | 0

    Calling all London grape growers – you’re invited to join the Community Wine Making Scheme run by OrganicLea. Read more

    What might buildings, settlements and even regions look like through the lens of Permaculture design?

    Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 26-Aug-2018 | 13

    This is the transcript of a talk given by Paul Jennings to the recent SBUK Big Straw Bale Gathering. Paul has built his straw-bale family home on a ‘One-Planet Development’ smallholding in Wales (costing £12,000). Read more

    Wood durability guide: timber durability chart & database

    Our woodworker friends at Gate Expectations have put together this great chart of timber durability for anyone working with wood (1 is most durable and 5 is least). Over to Rob from here. Read more

    Jo’s Mini Meadow Part 5: new arrivals in the orchard meadow

    Jo Cartmell of Nearby Wild | 21-Aug-2018 | 1

    In Part 5 of Jo Cartmell’s mini meadow series, she shares news of a surprise in the mini meadow and new arrivals in the orchard meadow. Read more

    The future of land ownership: interview with Oli Rodker of the Ecological Land Co-op and the Landworkers’ Alliance

    This week we’re talking with Oli Rodker, founder director of the Ecological Land Co-operative and the Landworkers’ Alliance, about his work, and how we might change the nature of land ownership in the UK, where 0.06% of the population own 50% of rural land in England and Wales, according to the Country Land & Business… Continue reading The future of land ownership: interview with Oli Rodker of the Ecological Land Co-op and the Landworkers’ Alliance Read more

    What the fuss is all about: wild swimming in France

    On a low-impact holiday this summer, Kate Williams takes the plunge wild swimming in France to discover why so many prefer it to an indoor swimming pool. Read more

    How to make your own scallop shell candles

    Richard Phillips of The Soap Kitchen shares how you can make your very own scallop shell candles at home with just three simple ingredients and a bit of elbow grease… Read more

    Living together 4: how to turn a row of terraced houses into a housing co-op

    This week we’re talking with Rick Watson, who has been a member of Fireside Housing Co-op in Sheffield since 2010. They’ve purchased and co-operativised 5 adjoining houses on a terraced street. Read more

    My mutual credit journey (and how you can join in the fun)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 08-Aug-2018 | 3

    I often trawl the web just speculatively looking for new people or new ideas, clicking on links from interesting sites. TEDx talks are a favourite. A few years ago I came across an intriguing TEDx talk by Professor Jem Bendell called ‘the Money Myth’. Read more

    Living together 3: company limited by shares – Martin Prosser of Sunflower Cohousing

    This article is the result of a discussion with Martin Prosser of Sunflower Cohousing in France. It’s the third in a series of articles about setting up alternative, co-operative living arrangements – cohousing, community land trusts, housing co-ops, intentional communities etc. Read more

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