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  • new edition of wind and solar launched
  • Posted November 24th, 2023

    New edition of Wind and Solar launched!

    New edition of Wind and Solar launched!

    Andy Reynolds author, instructor, experimenter, forester, and long term promoter of low impact and self reliant living has partnered with lowimpact.org to release an updated version of his popular book ‘Wind and Solar Electricity: A practical DIY guide’.

    Now in the edition 4, the book gives detailed information about all aspects of taking control of your electricity supply – from thorough safety advice, to what to look out for when buying equipment. He offers practical tips as well as step by step guides to take you through how you can best support your family in being self reliant with your energy needs. 

    Andy is a recognised expert in this field; he runs courses with Brighton Permaculture Trust, Boston college, and LowImpact.

    His youtube channel @theinfoworks has over 22,000 subscribers and has video guides to many aspects within the book – and other aspects of low impact living, such as wood fuel and home heating, chainsaw and general repairs, estate and habitat conservation.

    Take a look at the book page here.

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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