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  • lowimpact jobs board launches
  • Posted February 15th, 2023

    Lowimpact jobs board launches! 

    Lowimpact jobs board launches! 

    At last! Here at Lowimpact we’re very proud to be finally launching our Lowimpact jobs board. A service that so many of you have asked for over the years – and we know will be so useful in connecting job seekers with employers. You can find it here.

    The jobs board is dedicated to showcasing sustainable and lowimpact job opportunities. We’re hoping to feature job listings from all aspects of our community; companies and organisations committed to sustainability, environmental protection, ethical business practices, and system change.

    And for job seekers – whether you’re looking for a career in renewable energy, green technology, sustainable agriculture, social entrepreneurship, or any other area related to sustainability, we’re hoping the jobs board will be the place to find it. And we’ll be making use of our far reaching social media to share the opportunities.

    It’s really simple for organisations to use, and has a wide range of prices -from two weeks, to a bulk purchase of ten listings at once. We’ve also included a ‘volunteer’ search at just £5 for a month.  And all organisations get a free listing to get them started.

    In addition to job listings, job seekers can also upload searchable CV’s free of charge – and we hope to add further features as it gains in popularity.

     Any organisation can get started by listing their jobs or opportunities completely free on the board – and you can help us out by spreading the word!

    If you have any ideas, suggestions or problems with the board please get in touch: [email protected]

    The views expressed in our blog are those of the author and not necessarily lowimpact.org's


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