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    Smallholding posts

    Taking the food sector from corporate supermarkets: interview with Maresa Bossano, co-ordinator of the UK Community-Supported Agriculture Network

    This week we’re talking with Maresa Bossano, who is the co-ordinator for the Community-Supported Agriculture Network in the UK. Read more

    Would you like to be a smallholder with the Ecological Land Co-op?

    As we prepare our smallholder application process for our next sites in East Sussex, the Gower and Somerset (all going well with planning permission!) we would like to find out some more information about our potential smallholders. Read more

    Managing an orchard floor as a wildflower / hay meadow

    With careful management the orchard floor can become a thriving wildflower meadow, a habitat which is not only good for the wildlife, but also good for the soul.  Read more

    Join the Land Justice Network national gathering on 18 August in Sheffield

    The Land Justice Network national gathering is your chance to learn about their work campaigning for land reform and to together help plan next steps. Read more

    The case for feeding food waste to pigs

    Lesley Anderson of | 03-Jul-2018 | 5

    If we are going to use livestock to produce food, we need to work out how to do so sustainably. It has always been a source of frustration to me that so much food is wasted, yet we cannot legally use it to feed our livestock, leaving them munching away on food which could have… Continue reading The case for feeding food waste to pigs Read more

    Models of repopulation: bringing low-impact living to life in rural Europe

    We hear from yurt and tent builders and suppliers Spirits Intent about their new mission to revive low-impact living and rural economies in southern Europe through the Heartland Association. Read more

    How to build your own aquaponics greenhouse – Part 3

    In Part 3 of his how to build your own aquaponics greenhouse adventure, Root Cause Organic’s Pete Blunsdon covers the all important growing media, the plants and the fish. Read more

    You’re invited to the Ecological Land Cooperative Summer Gathering

    We hear from Lauren Simpson about plans for the Ecological Land Cooperative Summer Gathering & AGM taking place on 14th July on the beautiful Gower Peninsula. Read more

    Heartwood Community are seeking new members – could it be you?

    Staci Sylvan of Heartwood | 24-May-2018 | 6

    Heartwood Community is seeking energetic, reliable and committed people to join their intentional community in South West Wales. It’s over to Staci from here to tell us more. Read more

    How to build your own aquaponics greenhouse (Part 1)

    Pete Blunsdon of Root Cause Organics, an experimental microholding in Buckinghamshire, shares the first in a series of guest posts about how he built his very own aquaponics greenhouse and how you can do the same. It’s over to Pete from here… Read more

    Life in an intentional community – a healthier and more sustainable way to live

    If I hadn’t fired up my vision to form and live in an intentional community some 45 years ago I wouldn’t have learnt cheese making, selected and planted an orchard of rare species of fruit trees, co-organized arts festivals, learnt and practiced conflict resolution and given my three sons an opportunity to broaden their horizons. Read more

    Diary of a tree planter

    Jessie Watson Brown of | 29-Mar-2018 | 7

    During winter, while the animals hibernate and the trees sleep, magic happens on hillsides across the land – forests are created! A brief account of the ups and downs of life for a tree planter this winter… creating a woodland on a farm in Devon. Read more

    Lords vs commoners: week of action for land rights, April 14-22

    Land ownership in Britain is one of the most unequal in the world. This is a call out to groups and individuals all over the country who think the time has come for us to have more control of our land. Read more

    How to use solar power in woodlands and on woodland smallholdings

    Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge | 22-Mar-2018 | 3

    I have been running our home for the last decade or so using wind and solar electricity. The experiences of building this system have been distilled into a book, of which we are now in the third edition. Read more

    Internships on off-grid, established experimental woodland smallholding: learn how to set up your own project

    Ele Waters of Pentiddy | 18-Mar-2018 | 0

    Having been WWOOF hosts for over 10 years we have decided to expand what we offer to provide a more focused and valuable experience. The Pentiddy Woods Internship is an opportunity to join our family for 9 months living off-grid on an established experimental woodland smallholding. Read more

    Sunflower Cohousing community looking for members

    Our journey into community living started one evening in the Summer of 2009 when we were grouped around a campfire with friends discussing possible future lifestyle alternatives. Read more

    A beginner’s guide to lambing: from tupping to lookering

    Nigel Akehurst of Indie Farmer | 01-Mar-2018 | 1

    Adapted from an original post over at Indie Farmer, founder and editor-in-chief Nigel Akehurst shares his beginner’s guide to lambing as smallholders and sheep farmers prepare for one of their busiest times of the year. Read more

    Fancy volunteering for the summer at an off-grid, Ecological Land Coop smallholding?

    Hi – we are James and Sukamala, tenants at Wild Geese Acres, Greenham Reach, which is an off-grid, low-impact farming project established in north Devon by the Ecological Land Coop  (ELC) – see website. http://ecologicalland.coop. Read more

    Do you know anyone who might want to donate some land for a sustainable, affordable smallholding legacy?

    The Ecological Land Cooperative has launched a campaign to ask landowners for donations of small parcels of land to create clusters of affordable smallholdings for new entrants to ecological agriculture. Read more

    Proposal for a ‘one planet’ food revolution

    This is the third in a series of articles about ‘one planet’ living – the first in rural areas, and the second in cities. Now we discuss the situation as regards food production. Read more

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