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Why I’d like to bring together radical academics and people building a sustainable, non-corporate system on the ground

Dave Darby of | 05-Jul-2015 | 3

I’m going to the Breaking the Frame gathering on Thursday, representing The event has been organised by Corporate Watch, Scientists for Global Responsibility, Rising Tide and Luddites200. Dave King of Luddites200 contacted a couple of years ago and I’ve been going along to his ‘politics of technology’ reading group one evening a month since. Read more

Community vetoes for wind farms, but not for fracking? What’s that about?

Paul Jennings of Criafolen | 24-May-2015 | 2

On the one hand the new Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Amber Rudd, appears committed to stopping the spread of onshore wind farms; this despite the fact that they are already the most important and cost effective source of renewable energy in the UK, and enjoy the support of two thirds of the population; and… Continue reading Community vetoes for wind farms, but not for fracking? What’s that about? Read more

Invitation to join us at Breaking the Frame gathering in Derbyshire in July

David King of | 22-May-2015 | 0

NB: Dave from will be giving a talk about the Ujamaa2 idea on the Saturday afternoon, and the whole event will bring together people from various parts of the ‘alternative technology’ field Read more

Can degrowth help stop the slide towards ecological collapse?

Jen Wilton of Jen Wilton Media | 19-Apr-2015 | 2

Climate justice. A global basic income. Equitable distribution of wealth. Do these seem like wild utopian ideas? A growing body of research suggests that not only are such ideas possible, they may actually be necessary to prevent us falling off any environmental, social or economic cliffs. Read more

What I’ve learnt from talking with City bankers

Dave Darby of | 15-Apr-2015 | 4

Recently I’ve had more contact with bankers than I usually do – proper, Square Mile, City bankers. From the things I’ve written on this blog, you’d think we wouldn’t get on. But we did, and we had some really interesting conversations. I want to paraphrase those conversations for you as best I can, and talk… Continue reading What I’ve learnt from talking with City bankers Read more

Let’s stop subsidising giant, damaging agri-business – join the Landworkers’ Alliance on April 29th

Join the Landworkers’ Alliance (LWA) as we celebrate Via Campesina’s International day of Peasant Struggle. Weds April 29th, British Sugar Factory, Bury St Edmunds, 1.30pm Read more

Braziers Park community wants to set up a university completely independent from the corporate sector, and you can get involved

‘When a university becomes a business the whole of student life is transformed. When a university is more concerned with its image, its marketability and the ‘added value’ of its degrees, the student is no longer a student – they become a commodity and education becomes a service.’ Read more

New website, new name & the power of networking

Dave Darby of | 23-Dec-2014 | 1

Goodbye old website (left), hello new website (right) – and with the new website comes a new name. Since we started in 2001, we’ve always had a bit of a problem with our name. Read more

Why Brian Cox is wrong about nuclear fusion

Dave Darby of | 11-Nov-2014 | 9

Who’s been watching ‘Human Universe‘ with Brian Cox? I’m especially talking about the last episode – ‘What is our Future?‘ Brian Cox is doing a great job popularising science – and science, as he says, is a ‘wonderful tool for making the darkness visible’. Read more

Why Adam Smith, father of capitalism, would have hated neoliberalism

Dave Darby of | 30-Oct-2014 | 2

1776 was a very good year. The US declared independence and Adam Smith wrote the Wealth of Nations. Both of these events helped mark the transition to a new world; both have contributed enormously to human freedom, and have therefore been claimed by neoliberals as their own. Read more

Help put energy into the hands of local people, and make yourself a bit of money at the same time

David Calver of Low-Carbon Hub | 21-Oct-2014 | 0

The Low Carbon Hub has just launched its 2014 community share offer to raise £1.5 million investment into its first wave of renewable energy schemes for Oxfordshire. Read more

Size matters: why a big house can’t be a green house

Art Ludwig of Oasis Design | 24-Sep-2014 | 2

The wonderful Art Ludwig of Oasis Design in the US was asked to design and build an ‘eco-home’ for a client. He wrote a letter to the client to explain that he couldn’t take on the project because green ‘add-ons’ aren’t green at all when tacked on to a house that is too big Read more

Egni: sustainable investment and clean energy

Dan McCallum of Awel Co-op | 15-Mar-2014 | 0

Another great community renewables project. Please pass these on to anyone you think may be looking for an ethical investment that will get more renewable energy into the grid, and start to take control of our electricity supply Read more

‘Breaking the Frame’ gathering & volunteer opportunity

David King of | 28-Feb-2014 | 0

Here’s some information on a great gathering happening in Derbyshire in May, and see below for an interesting volunteer opportunity in London to assist in organising the event. Over to David. Read more

Polish family farms criminalised for local food sales

Jadwiga & Julian of ICPPC | 18-Feb-2014 | 0

Dear Friends/Drodzy Przyjaciele, Polish Embassy protest at 2:30 on 20th February. Please circulate! Get your banners together! We hope to see as many of you Read more

The battle to save Polish small farms from corporations

Jadwiga & Julian of ICPPC | 06-Feb-2014 | 0

This is something we really want to support. Corporate land-grabs, supported by subservient governments, are happening the world over, and it’s a disaster for ecology and democracy. Read more

Re-skilling vs distributism: how to turn ‘do-it-yourself’ into small businesses

Dave Darby of | 15-Jan-2014 | 0

Hi all, has been all about re-skilling since we started in 2001, and we’ve gained a big audience through that. I was sitting on a bus in London last year, looking down at people in the street in Brixton Read more

Distributism – an idea whose time has come?

Dave Darby of | 06-Jan-2014 | 5

Here’s an idea that I’d like to see gain some ground in 2014 – it’s called distributism. It’s a practical rather than a spiritual idea, but really, I think that some sort of distributism has to happen before we can think about developing spiritually as a species. Read more

Introducing the Land Workers’ Alliance – representing small-scale producers

We wanted to introduce the Land Workers’ Alliance (LWA) via a first-hand account of their AGM, held at Trill Farm, Dorset, on the 23rd & 24th of November, 2013. Read more

Community-owned energy: how to sideline the big energy companies

Jon Halle of Sharenergy | 01-Nov-2013 | 0

A quick Halloween update from Sharenergy. We’re very proud to say we are involved in 4 great share offers at the moment – spanning wind, hydro, solar and woodfuel technologies and across a swathe of the UK Read more

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