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Small is beautiful posts

Can organic farming feed the world?

Chris Smaje of Vallis Veg | 16-Jun-2021 | 2

Now there’s a question – posed by Chris Smaje of the Ecoogical Land Co-op. Chris joined the board of the ELC as Dave of Lowimpact left, and since then Chris has produced a book called A Small Farm Future, which we review here. Members of Lowimpact have become involved in the world of mutual credit,… Continue reading Can organic farming feed the world? Read more

John Thackara: What does the future hold for humanity?

John Thackara of | 30-May-2021 | 13

This is part 1 of a conversation with John Thackara – senior fellow of the Royal College of Art, visiting professor at Tongji University, Shanghai, founder and director of the Doors of Perception sustainable design conferences, and author of many books, including How to Thrive in the Next Economy. Read more

Incredible new research: how small businesses can be saved post-Covid

Dave Darby of | 07-Mar-2021 | 5

It seems pretty obvious that there’s a giant economic slump on the way that’s going to sweep away millions of small and medium-sized businesses around the world, so that Amazon can step in to continue to try to take over the entire global economy. Read more

The Future of Money (Part 2): with Brett Scott

This is part 2 of a conversation with Brett Scott, author and specialist in the money system. Here’s his excellent YouTube channel, and I’ll add links to other things we talk about as well. Part 1 is here. Read more

The Future of Money (Part 1): with Brett Scott

Today I’m talking with Brett Scott, author and specialist in the money system. Here’s his excellent YouTube channel, and I’ll add links to other things we talk about as well. Read more

Mutual credit clubs: an introduction, with Dil Green

Dil Green had the original idea for ‘mutual credit clubs’ that can federate to create a new global trading system. He’s brought together a group of people to form Mutual Credit Services (MCS) to start to build this federation (new website coming soon). Read more

I’ve got a book deal. I’d like to ask for your advice about how to deliver the message.

Dave Darby of | 22-Nov-2020 | 59

I’ve got a book deal with Chelsea Green, which is quite scary. They like my writing style, but the content needs a bit of translating for a wide audience. The Covid pandemic provided the stimulus to bring together a group of specialists to form ‘Mutual Credit Services’ (new website coming soon). My role is in… Continue reading I’ve got a book deal. I’d like to ask for your advice about how to deliver the message. Read more

Review of ‘A Small Farm Future’ by Chris Smaje

Dave Darby of | 01-Nov-2020 | 15

Industrial agriculture and giant monoculture farms dominate our food sector. But does it have to be that way? Could and should we build a new kind of food system based on small farms? This new book, ‘A Small Farm Future’ published by Chelsea Green, outlines what a post-covid, post-capitalist society might look like, built around… Continue reading Review of ‘A Small Farm Future’ by Chris Smaje Read more

Creating a national network of social care co-ops: Graham Mitchell of Co-operative Care Colne Valley

Today I’m talking with Graham Mitchell, of Co-operative Care Colne Valley. He’s part of a group starting a social care co-op in the Colne Valley, West Yorkshire, and they’re also building a toolkit / step-by-step guide for people to start a social care coop in their own community. I’m interested in how this toolkit can… Continue reading Creating a national network of social care co-ops: Graham Mitchell of Co-operative Care Colne Valley Read more

Why we need social care co-ops: Graham Mitchell of Co-operative Care Colne Valley

Today I’m talking with Graham Mitchell, of Co-operative Care Colne Valley. He’s part of a group starting a social care co-op in the Colne Valley, West Yorkshire, and they’re also building a toolkit / step-by-step guide for people to start social care co-ops in their own community. I’m interested in how this toolkit can help… Continue reading Why we need social care co-ops: Graham Mitchell of Co-operative Care Colne Valley Read more

My tribute to David Graeber: please read his words

Dave Darby of | 06-Sep-2020 | 2

Maybe David Graeber’s death can challenge us to take a few minutes to think about the demonisation of the word anarchism. I believe that the two fundamental assumptions of anarchism are correct – that: Read more

Beware the ‘Great Reset’: a power grab by billionaires

Dave Darby of | 02-Aug-2020 | 19

The world is run by and for billionaires. If you’d prefer it to be run democratically, for all of us, then don’t be fooled by the ‘Great Reset’ – a request by the corporate and financial sectors for governments to give them taxpayers’ money to take more control. Read more

How accountants can use mutual credit to support small businesses during the post-covid slump

Dave Darby of | 14-Jun-2020 | 0

Are you an accountant? Do you have an accountant? Do you know an accountant? If you could bring this article to their attention, we think they might find it interesting – it’s an idea that can be very useful for accountants, to help keep their small business clients afloat during the post-covid economic slump. Read more

Community wealth building & mutual credit: a match made in heaven?

This is the third in a series of articles about community wealth building and mutual credit, by Dave Darby and Dil Green of and the Open Credit Network. Read more

Mutual credit – a lifeline for small businesses

Dave Darby of | 24-May-2020 | 2

This post follows on from yesterday’s, about community wealth building. Tomorrow, Dil Green explains how community wealth building and mutual credit could be a match made in heaven. Read more

Post-covid: ‘getting back to normal’ is suicidal – here’s the alternative

Dave Darby of | 19-Apr-2020 | 15

“For those who dream of a return to “normalcy”: normalcy was standing on the tracks watching an oncoming train & arguing about how fast it was going. Something just banged into us & sent us sprawling. It hurt. A lot. Now let’s get up, but NOT get back on the tracks again.” – David Graeber Read more

Post-covid: ‘getting back to normal’ is not just a bad idea – it’s suicidal

Dave Darby of | 12-Apr-2020 | 14

There’s been a lot of talk about ‘thanking’ coronavirus for giving us the breathing space to re-evaluate, and for giving nature some breathing space too. This isn’t one of those articles. I don’t find it compassionate to thank a virus that’s killing thousands of people, and closing millions of small businesses, allowing Amazon to hoover… Continue reading Post-covid: ‘getting back to normal’ is not just a bad idea – it’s suicidal Read more

Keeping small businesses alive during the coronavirus / economic crisis

Dave Darby of | 03-Apr-2020 | 10

The coronavirus crisis is causing an economic crash that will only get worse. Research has indicated that a shortage of money will mean that up to a million UK small businesses may close in the coming months. To prevent the devastation of small businesses, and therefore our communities, there needs to be an alternative means… Continue reading Keeping small businesses alive during the coronavirus / economic crisis Read more

What’s wrong with billionaires?

Dave Darby of | 15-Mar-2020 | 24

I came across a clip recently (see below) of a radio host filled with incredulity that someone might actually believe that the existence of billionaires is a bad thing. Surely any antipathy towards the super-wealthy must be based on envy or ideology? Don’t they create jobs? Aren’t they philanthropic? Don’t they pay a lot of… Continue reading What’s wrong with billionaires? Read more

How to start a co-operative grocery in your town: Debbie Clarke of Unicorn Grocery, Part 2

This is Part 2 of an interview with Debbie Clarke of Unicorn Grocery – a co-operative grocery store in Manchester. In Part 1, I talked with Debbie about what it’s like to work in a co-operative grocery. Here we talk about the “Grow your own Grocery” guide that her co-op has produced for people who… Continue reading How to start a co-operative grocery in your town: Debbie Clarke of Unicorn Grocery, Part 2 Read more

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