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    Low-impact food & drink posts

    Why we should support small fishing boats over super-trawlers, Part 2

    Here’s Part 2 of my interview with Caroline Bennett, founder of ‘Sole of Discretion’, a community interest company that sells fish caught by a collective of small fishing boats in Devon. Here we talk about the life of small fishing boat skippers. Read more

    12 reasons why industrial-scale agriculture is driving environmental destruction

    In this article, the LWA’s Horticulture Campaigns Coordinator Rebecca Laughton explains why we have to produce and trade a greater percentage of food locally. Read more

    Want to work for a great veg box scheme in the south of England?

    Want to work for a great veg box scheme in the south of England? Actually it’s our veg box scheme. And it’s a bag not a a box. Each week we get a bag full of organic fruit and veg from Sutton Community Farm. If you live in south London, I really recommend them. Lovely… Continue reading Want to work for a great veg box scheme in the south of England? Read more

    How ‘chamas’ and mutual credit are changing Africa: Shaila Agha of the Sarafu Network

    Today I’m talking with Shaila Agha of the Sarafu Network about ‘chamas’ and mutual credit, and how they’re changing Africa. Read more

    Can organic farming feed the world?

    Chris Smaje of Vallis Veg | 16-Jun-2021 | 2

    Now there’s a question – posed by Chris Smaje of the Ecoogical Land Co-op. Chris joined the board of the ELC as Dave of Lowimpact left, and since then Chris has produced a book called A Small Farm Future, which we review here. Members of Lowimpact have become involved in the world of mutual credit,… Continue reading Can organic farming feed the world? Read more

    Food preservation methods to make the most of seasonal produce: Part 3

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 06-Jan-2021 | 0

    Keen to plan ahead to make the most of seasonal produce this year? We share a season-by-season exploration of food preservation methods, in a last instalment from our friends at Ethical.net. Read more

    Food preservation methods to make the most of seasonal produce: Part 2

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 17-Dec-2020 | 1

    From drying and canning to pickling, bottling and more, Ethical.net share a second instalment of food preservation methods to make the most of seasonal produce throughout the year. Read more

    Food preservation methods to make the most of seasonal produce: Part 1

    Sarah Young of Ethical.net | 02-Dec-2020 | 1

    Keen to make the most of seasonal produce? We learn about the what and why of traditional food preservation methods with Ethical.net, beginning with the humble larder and root cellar. Read more

    Are squirrels or pigeons ‘food’, and should we reintroduce pine martens?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 15-Nov-2020 | 86

    OK, so this isn’t really about squirrels or pigeons – it’s about any animal; we’re back to the veganism vs meat-eating discussion. But just focusing on squirrels and pigeons for the moment, I guess everyone accepts that they are of course food for other animals. They’re in a food chain, after all. Pine martens don’t… Continue reading Are squirrels or pigeons ‘food’, and should we reintroduce pine martens? Read more

    Review of ‘A Small Farm Future’ by Chris Smaje

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 01-Nov-2020 | 15

    Industrial agriculture and giant monoculture farms dominate our food sector. But does it have to be that way? Could and should we build a new kind of food system based on small farms? This new book, ‘A Small Farm Future’ published by Chelsea Green, outlines what a post-covid, post-capitalist society might look like, built around… Continue reading Review of ‘A Small Farm Future’ by Chris Smaje Read more

    September forage of the month: elderberry elixir

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 26-Aug-2020 | 3

    With autumn approaching, Ruby Taylor of Native Hands shares one of her all-time favourite recipes for an elderberry elixir. Read more

    How to start a co-operative grocery in your town: Debbie Clarke of Unicorn Grocery, Part 2

    This is Part 2 of an interview with Debbie Clarke of Unicorn Grocery – a co-operative grocery store in Manchester. In Part 1, I talked with Debbie about what it’s like to work in a co-operative grocery. Here we talk about the “Grow your own Grocery” guide that her co-op has produced for people who… Continue reading How to start a co-operative grocery in your town: Debbie Clarke of Unicorn Grocery, Part 2 Read more

    How to grow the non-corporate food sector: interview with Lynne Davis of the Open Food Network (Part 2)

    This is Part 2 of an interview by Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org / NonCorporate.org with Lynne Davis of the Open Food Network as part of a series of interviews with people building the new economy. Here’s Part 1, and below is the transcript of the interview, plus the video. Read more

    What it’s like to work in a cooperative grocery store: Debbie Clarke of Unicorn Grocery, Part 1

    Today I’m talking with Debbie Clarke of Unicorn Grocery – a cooperative grocery store in Manchester; and the thing I’m particularly interested in about Unicorn Grocery is that instead of wanting to become a huge chain, they’ve got a toolkit called ‘Grow your own Grocery’ to help people set up cooperative grocery stores in their own towns. Read more

    How the Open Food Network helps local food producers: interview with Lynne Davis (Part 1)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org / NonCorporate.org interviews Lynne Davis of the Open Food Network as part of a series of interviews with people building the new economy. Here’s the transcript of the interview, plus the video (below). Read more

    The future of community-supported agriculture: Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm (Part 2)

    This is part 2 of a conversation with Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm. In Part 1 we talked about why CSA farms are such a good idea. This time we talk more about Sutton Community Farm and the future of community-supported agriculture within the food industry. Read more

    Why community farms are such a good idea: Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm (Part 1)

    Today I’m talking with Alice Brown of Sutton Community Farm. I’m interested in looking at how we produce food in the new economy. The current system is a disaster in terms of environment and wealth concentration. Read more

    September forage of the month with Ruby Taylor

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands | 10-Sep-2019 | 4

    Ruby Taylor of Native Hands shares her forage of the month for September, with stress-busting nettle seeds the star of the show as autumn approaches. Read more

    Get the Good Food March 2019 in the diary – pots and pans at the ready!

    The Landworkers’ Alliance will be joining a host of partners to put farming, food and climate justice centre stage this October. Here’s how you can join them on the Good Food March 2019 in London. Read more

    The elephant in the room is capitalism. Maybe.

    Chris Smaje of Vallis Veg | 18-Aug-2019 | 5

    Chris Smaje of Vallis Veg and Small Farm Future shares his thoughts as to why the elephant in the room is capitalism. Maybe. It’s over to Chris from here… Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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