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    Intentional communities posts

    You can help a low-impact, off-grid community obtain permanent planning permission

    Ed Morriss of Drawfire | 24-Feb-2015 | 0

    This is an opportunity to represent and to support our friends at the Steward Community Woodland in their application for permanent planning permission. After 15 years of successful experimentation in sustainable living, they are now applying for permanent planning permission Read more

    Incredible opportunity to join a co-operative, low-impact smallholding project in Devon

    Here’s some background to the Ecological Land Co-op’s project in Devon, and here’s a post celebrating the fact that they were successful in their planning application. Now they’re looking for people. Over to Shaun. Read more

    Want to help start an eco-village in Ireland?

    Harry White of East Clare Eco | 15-Jul-2012 | 0

    Hello. My family and I moved to Ireland three years ago when our eldest boy was born. Previous to this we were living aboard a narrow boat cruising between the midlands and London. Read more

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    We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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