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    Intentional communities posts

    Review of Ralph Ibbott’s book ‘Ujamaa: the hidden story of Tanzania’s socialist villages’ and how I was lied to in Tanzania

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 10-Mar-2016 | 4

    I have a special interest in this book. As a young man in the 1980s I’d read Julius Nyerere’s Ujamaa (Swahili for “togetherness”, “unity” or “familyhood”). I was inspired by his vision of a co-operative, non-hierarchical society based on sustainable villages Read more

    One planet people – one-month internships available at Lammas Ecovillage

    As a new generation of aspiring land stewards, we wish to minimise dependence on fossil fuels whilst learning to meet our basic needs of food, shelter, energy and livelihood, from the land.  This has been entirely possible for millennia. However, in a 21st century Read more

    How you can support low-impact community ‘Landmatters’ with their planning application

    Simeon of Landmatters | 22-Jan-2016 | 0

    Landmatters co-op is a low impact community in Devon. We’re seeking letters of support for a new round of planning application. Letters of support are invaluable commendations and hugely boosting for a project’s prospects – and morale.  Read more

    Latest news on proposed community / housing co-op / eco-centre in the Midlands

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 20-Jan-2016 | 27

    A week ago, we posted about a large, 50-room Victorian mansion with lodge house, stable block, the largest walled garden we’ve ever seen, and 21 acres of woodland that was up for sale on the Worcestershire / Shropshire border. Read more

    Would you like to be involved in the setting up of a new community and eco-centre in the English Midlands?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 13-Jan-2016 | 71

    Not far from Worcester is a stunning Grade II mansion house, 50+ rooms, stable blocks, 2-bed detatched gatehouse, 21 acres of woodland plus huge walled garden. Lowimpact.org, plus other like-minded organisations, would like to secure it as an intentional community Read more

    Diggers and Dreamers Communities Directory is back with a 25th anniversary edition

    This is the publication that inspired me to visit intentional communities, eventually join one – Redfield Community in Buckinghamshire, where Lowimpact.org was founded. It’s a handy directory of communities / communes / co-operative living in the UK and elsewhere Read more

    Review: Julius Nyerere’s ‘Ujamaa’, why a beautiful idea went wrong and how it can be adapted for the 21st century

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 29-Nov-2015 | 5

    This is a book that I discovered in my twenties, and it impressed me so much that I ended up making my way to Tanzania in 1991, and staying for a couple of months on two ujamaa villages. Ujamaa means ‘familyhood’, a concept that Nyerere wanted to extend to encompass the whole of humanity, Read more

    The Yamagishi Association: successful, moneyless, leaderless network of communes in Japan and elsewhere

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 17-Nov-2015 | 9

    In the 1990s I visited the headquarters of the Yamagishi Association in Mie-ken in Japan. It’s a federation of intentional communities that is still going strong – but even then it comprised 3000 people in 30 villages all over Japan Read more

    ‘The Tyranny of Structurelessness’: some thoughts

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 24-Oct-2015 | 0

    The Tyranny of Structurelessness is a seminal essay by Joreen Freeman (above), written in 1970. I read it for the first time recently, but I’ve known about it for many years, and in fact, I lived in an intentional community where it was regularly mentioned, and at least some of us lived by its main… Continue reading ‘The Tyranny of Structurelessness’: some thoughts Read more

    Wanted: new members for a co-operative farm – you are invited to an exploratory weekend

    You are invited to Ffynnon Teilo Farm Activity Weekend, to explore creating a co-operative farm – Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th of September. Activities will include: pond clearing, footpath and step renovation, fire making, campsite cooking and farm tour. Camping space available Saturday night. Read more

    Want to experience what life is like in an intentional community?

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 14-Sep-2015 | 13

    I joined Redfield Community in Buckinghamshire in 1996 and lived there for 13 years. It’s a Victorian mansion in 18 acres of woodland, fields, gardens and orchards – a registered housing co-op with around 15 adults and 8 kids on average, although people come and go. Read more

    More details of the ujamaa collective village system in Tanzania (from first-hand experience)

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 17-Aug-2015 | 0

    This is an account of my visit to two ujamaa villages in Tanzania in the early 1990s, plus a lot more background information on the system itself. The ujamaa system has since been dismantled after pressure from the World Bank, but at its height, 20 million people out of a total population of 24 million… Continue reading More details of the ujamaa collective village system in Tanzania (from first-hand experience) Read more

    Goodbye to WWOOF and to Redfield Community: the dawn of a new era for Lowimpact.org

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 01-Jul-2015 | 8

    Today we part company with both WWOOF and Redfield Community. Here’s a bit of history, including why we’re splitting, plus an advert for both WWOOF and Redfield. Read more

    I’ve joined the board of the Ecological Land Co-operative because I want to change the way land is owned and farmed

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 19-Jun-2015 | 3

    On Wednesday evening I attended the AGM of the Ecological Land Co-op at Freightliners City Farm in London. I was standing for election to the board after being invited to apply by Shaun Chamberlin of Dark Optimism Read more

    Want to see land shared more equally, and managed ecologically? If so, here’s what to do

    We used to get people on our straw-bale building courses who were amazed at how simple and quick a technique it is. They’d sometimes say ‘wow, I’m going to get a few acres and build my own home!’ and we’d have to inform them that they might have to do it in another country. Read more

    How Julius Nyerere’s Ujamaa idea could form the basis of a new global political system

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 12-May-2015 | 26

    In 1991, I spent a couple of months in two Ujamaa villages in Tanzania. The Ujamaa system was introduced by Julius Nyerere in the early 1960s, and the World Bank effectively killed it as a system in the late 80s, although a few independent Ujamaa villages survived into the 90s. I’m going to briefly describe… Continue reading How Julius Nyerere’s Ujamaa idea could form the basis of a new global political system Read more

    Braziers Park community wants to set up a university completely independent from the corporate sector, and you can get involved

    ‘When a university becomes a business the whole of student life is transformed. When a university is more concerned with its image, its marketability and the ‘added value’ of its degrees, the student is no longer a student – they become a commodity and education becomes a service.’ Read more

    Ecological Land Co-op publishes its first annual report; feedback welcome

    NB: the Ecological Land Co-op set a precedent in England (following the success of Lammas Ecovillage in Wales) by gaining planning permission for homes on smallholdings outside the development zone (in Devon), by agreeing to abide by strict ecological criteria Read more

    Interested in rural cohousing? Introducing the Agroecological Land Initiative

    The Agroecological Land Initiative is an new organisation founded to advocate and implement agroecological methods in the UK to help secure food sovereignty, energy independence, and environmental regeneration in a way that is financially viable and socially just. Read more

    One Planet Development opportunity next to Lammas eco-village in Wales

    Dave Darby of Lowimpact.org | 26-Feb-2015 | 2

    Here’s an opportunity to you potential smallholders / rat-race escapees: A thirty acre field next to the Lammas ecovillage has come up for sale.  Read more

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